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                                     Composite Wisconsin Individual Income Tax Return
                                for Nonresident Tax-Option (S) Corporation Shareholders
     1CNS                                                                                                                                                2024

                                          Check (      ü) if this is an    Check (ü ) if this is a       Corporation
Due Date:  April 15, 2025                 AMENDED return                   final return                  Year Ending                                             2 0 2               4
                                          (Include Schedule AR)                                                                                      M M D     D Y Y Y               Y 

Tax-Option (S) Corporation Name                                                                    Federal Employer ID Number

Number and Street                                                                                                                                    Suite Number

City                                                                                                     State                                       Zip (+ 4 digit suffix if known)

Person to Contact Regarding This Return                                                          Telephone Number                                    Fax NumberNumber  of  shareholders  included  in  this  return.

Caution:  Only qualifying shareholders may be included in this return.  See instructions for details.

Schedule 1             Tax Computation

1  Wisconsin tax-option (S) corporation income (loss) of qualifying and participating
     nonresident shareholders from Schedule 2, column D1 ................................                                                        1                                  .00
2  Tax from Schedule 2, column G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             2                                  .00
3  Wisconsin tax withheld from Schedule 2, column H ...................................                                                          3                                  .00
4    Amended Return Only – amount previously paid .....................................                                                            4                                .00
5    Add lines 3 and 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5                                .00
6    Amended Return Only – amount previously refunded .................................                                                            6                                .00
7    Subtract line 6 from 5 ..........................................................                                                             7                                .00
8  If line 7 is less than line 2, subtract line 7 from line 2 and enter amount due  ...............                                              8                                  .00
9  If line 7 is more than line 2, subtract line 2 from line 7 and enter overpayment. 
     This is the amount to be refunded to corporation             ....................................                                           9                                  .00

Include a copy of any application for a federal extension of time to file. Don’t attach federal Form 1120S, Wisconsin Form 5S, Wisconsin 
Form PW-1, the federal Schedules K-1, or the Wisconsin Schedules 5K-1 to this return.

                 Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the department? 
Third                                     SampleYes                                                      Complete the following.Form                             No
     DRAFT 08-05-2024 
Party            Print                                                     Phone Number                           Personal Identification Number (PIN)
Designee         Name
I have personally examined this return, including any accompanying schedules and statements, and declare that it is, to the best of my knowledge and 
belief, a true, correct, and complete report of income under the provisions of Chapter 71 of the Wisconsin Statutes. I also declare that this tax-option 
corporation  has a power of attorney or other written authorization from each qualifying and participating nonresident shareholder to file this composite 
return on the shareholder’s behalf.
                       Signature of Authorized Officer                     Title                                                                         Date

 SIGNATURES            Individual or Firm SignatureFileof Preparer         Preparer’sElectronicallyFederal Employer ID Number                            Date

For information on how to file, see Filing Methods in instructions.
IC-057 (R. 7-24)

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2024 Form 1CNS                                                                                                                           Page 2
   Schedule 2  Nonresident Shareholders Qualifying and Participating in Composite Return (Attach a separate schedule, if necessary.)
               (A)                                      (B)      (C)   (D1)  Shareholder’s   (E)         (F)    (G)                 (H)  (I)
                                                                       Share  of  WI  Net  
                                                                       Income (Loss)         Federal     Filing
               Name and Address of                      Social   Rata  (D2)  Shareholder’s   Adjusted    Status Tax From            Tax  Balance
                                                                       Share  of  WI  Gross  Gross       (S, H, Worksheet   Withheld     Due
   Nonresident Shareholder (if Married Filing Jointly,  Security Share Income  (from  Sch.   Income From MFJ,   or 7.65% of         from (Overpay-
               see instructions)                        Number   (%)   5K-1, line 20)        Form 1040   MFS)   (D1)        Form PW-1    ment)
a.                                                                     D1
b.                                                                     D1
c.                                                                     D1
d.                                                                     D1
e.                                                                     D1
f.                                                                     D1
g.                                                                     D1
h.                                                                     D1
i.                                                                     D1
j.                                                                     D1
k.             DRAFTSampleD1                                                  08-05-2024Form 

                                                                       D1 total only
TOTALS  (enter on appropriate line on Schedule 1)  ...................

                                                        File Electronically

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