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Form Wisconsin Dept of Revenue
Nexus Unit 2‑233
Affiliate Registration Verification
A-002 PO Box 8906
Madison WI 53708‑8906
phone: • •revenue.wi.gov(608) 266‑3969 FAX: (608) 266‑5464 website:
A. Identification
Legal name (sole proprietors enter your last name, first, MI) Business name (DBA)
Mailing address City State Zip
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) SSN required for sole proprietors Website address
Sole Proprietorship
Corporation C corp
S corp Date of incorporation State of incorporation
(mm dd yyyy)
QSub }
Legal name of owner Owner SSN or, if owner is a business, enter FEIN
Partnership General Limited (LP)
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Date registered State of registration
Limited Liability Company (LLC) } (mm dd yyyy)
LLC classification for Corporation Partnership
federal income tax
Disregarded entity (LLC activity reported on owner’s income tax return). Enter owner below.
Legal name of owner Owner SSN or, if owner is a business, enter FEIN
Other (e.g., Governmental unit, nonprofit organization)
If your income year does not end on December 31st, enter the date your fiscal year ends ‑
(mm - dd)
B. Current Wisconsin Registration Status (check appropriate box)
Currently registered to collect and remit Wisconsin sales and use tax. Enter Wisconsin sales and use tax account number.
Registering to collect and remit Wisconsin sales and use tax. Register online at tap.revenue.wi.gov/btr and enter your
Business Tax Registration confirmation number.
All sales of products and services in Wisconsin are exempt. Complete and attach Affidavit of Exempt Sales (Form A‑006).
We are not eligible to submit an Affidavit of Exempt Sales and decline to register to collect and remit Wisconsin sales
and use tax. (Note: Wisconsin state agencies and authorities may not purchase products or services from your company).
A-002 (R. 1-17) Go to Page 2 (see back)