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Employer’s Wage Attachment Remittance
Please reproduce this form and mail with future payments.
Employer’s name
Applicable Laws and Rules
This document provides statements or interpretations of the following laws and Payroll phone number
regulations enacted as of August 23, 2023: secs. 71.65 and 71.91(7), Wis. Stats.
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Instructions. Complete and send with your payment to the address below. Use one line Contact person name
for each employee from whom you have withheld delinquent taxes. Do not include regular
amounts of income taxes withheld.
Make checks payable to: Wisconsin Department of Revenue If payroll address has changed, enter new address below.
Mail remittance with this form to: Wisconsin Department of Revenue Address
PO Box 8960
Madison WI 53708-8960
City State Zip
TERMINATED EMPLOYEE: You are required to withhold the entire amount payable to
terminated employees or an amount equal to the balance of certification.
Entry Required for Each Employee that had Delinquent Amounts Withheld This Period Check ONLY Entry required if it applies to an employee under a wage certification.
if this is Check whichever applies and enter the requested dates.
Employee’s Delinquent Payment of Anticipated
Name of Employee Social Security Amount the Wage Quit Last Day of Work Return Date
Number Withheld Attachment Terminated/ Temporary Leave of Absence (month - year)
TOTAL AMOUNT WITHHELD ...................................... $
W-118a (R. 08-23)