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                                                                                                                                                                                UCE-1010 (Rev. 12/7/18) 
                                                                                                           WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION 
  Please  read the instructions  following this form before  completing.                    By  completing this form,  you  are  authorizing  the South Carolina Department of 
  Employment and Workforce (DEW) to disclose/discuss Unemployment Insurance (UI) related matters to your chosen agent. This form is only to be used to 
  designate an agent. If you are attempting to add or remove authorized contact persons,                           do not complete this form. Please refer to the attached instructions for 
  more information.   
    Name and Address: (if individual)                                               If a business entity, enter DBA, trade or assumed name: 
                                                                                    FEIN:                                        DEW Account #: 

                                                                                    Telephone Number (required):                 Extension:         Fax Number: 

                                                                                    Email Address: 

  Your authorized agent may be an organization, firm, or individual. If your agent is not an individual, designate a contact person. Please ensure that you 
  submit a separate form for each agent.  (NOTE: Only one agent can occupy each role during any given time period.) 
    Agent Name and Address                                                          Contact Name (if applicable): 
                                                                                    Agent FEIN (if any):                                            SUITS Agent Account #: 

                                                                                    Telephone Number (required):                 Extension:         Fax Number: 

                                                                                    Email Address: 

                                                                                    Beginning Effective Date (required)*:                           Ending Effective Date – (Optional)**: 
         Authorizes my agent to: (1) submit wage reports, (2) submit payments and enter into payment agreements, (3) perform account maintenance 
         updates, (4) submit and receive information related to UI benefits. This authorization applies to all tax and benefit related matters. 
         Select the type of authorization by checking the appropriate boxes to the right of each item listed below. You may check up to 3 boxes.  
         If 4 boxes apply, please complete the ‘General Authorization’ above. 
         1.    Wage Submission (Original and Amended) ........................................................                               IMPORTANT: Completing this form will not 
         2.    Payment Submission and Payment Agreements ..................................................                                  change an employer’s address of record. 
         3.    Account Maintenance Updates ............................................................................                      Address changes must be made through 
         4.    Benefits (UI Benefit related matters) ...................................................................  
     PART 4: AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE FOR DISCLOSURE OF UI TAX AND/OR UI BENEFIT INFORMATION/RECORDS                                                                                           
    I understand that any information or records obtained by DEW in the administration of the Unemployment Insurance program is generally private and confidential 
    pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 41-29-160 and 20 CFR Part 603, and may only be released for the purpose specified in this Written Authorization in accordance with 
    state and federal law.  By signing this Written Authorization, I am authorizing DEW to release the information specified to the authorized agent.  I understand state 
    government files will be accessed to obtain the information disclosed to the authorized agent. I further understand that I am authorizing the appointed agent to act on 
    behalf of the business to the fullest extent to which I could act if I were personally present in connection with the transactions authorized in Part 3 of this Written 
    Authorization.I further declare the information submitted has been examined by me and I specifically authorize agent(s) to transact the above specified UI business 
    with DEW. 
    Name (Print )_________________________________________________________________Title ________________________________________________________ 
    Signature _________________________________________________________Date _________________ Phone No. _________________________________________ 

    In order for this application to be processed, the signatory must be on file with DEW as a business owner, officer, partner or agent duly authorized to act on behalf of 
    this employer. 
  * If you are authorizing agent to submit wage reports, please note that DEW will make the effective date of that authorization retroactive to the beginning of the quarter in which the date you provide falls. 
  ** If no “Ending Effective Date” is provided, the above-named agent will be authorized to represent you until you notify ETS in writing that you wish to change your agent. 

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            Instructions for Written Authorization Form (Form UCE-1010) 
Complete and file a    Written Authorization (Form UCE-1010) if you wish to appoint or replace an individual, firm or 
organization  as your agent in  unemployment insurance (UI)  tax  matters before the South Carolina  Department of 
Employment and Workforce (DEW).  If you are the employer, this form is not to be used to add or remove an individual 
contact person or additional user to your Self-Service Portal in SUITS. This form is only to designate your agent who will 
have access to designated account information through that agent’s Self-Service Portal in SUITS. 
Unless otherwise specified, this Written Authorization           Part 4: Certification and Signature 
replaces  any previous  applicable  Written Authorization        In order for this application to be processed,  the signatory 
forms on file with DEW.    Without a completed form,             must be on file with DEW as a business owner, officer, 
DEW is prohibited from discussing or releasing your              partner or agent duly authorized to act on behalf of this 
confidential employer information  to an agent.  You             employer and.    
must submit a separate Written Authorization Form                 
for each  agent. Please  note that only one agent can            Submit this Form: 
occupy a specified roll at any one time                             
                                                                 Online:    The most efficient way to submit this form is 
Part 1: Employer Information                                                through SUITS, the Department’s new online 
If you are an individual, enter the name and address: if a                  system designed to streamline business 
business entity, enter DBA, trade or assumed name., UI                      processing. To submit this form using 
account number, federal employer identification number                      SUITS, go to uitax.dew.sc.gov.  
(FEIN),  telephone number,  fax number, and email                           • Employer Portal:  Select the “Agent 
address. If you do not have a UI account number, please                       Assignment” icon under the  Account 
complete  and submit   Form UCE-151,    Employer Status                       Maintenance screen. 
Report  or register on line through          SUITS  at                      • Agent Portal:   Select the “Maintain POA” 
uitax.dew.sc.gov.                                                             icon under the Account Maintenance screen.  
Part 2: Agent Information                                        Mail:      SCDEW  
Enter the  agent name  and address, contact name (if                        Document Control Unit  
applicable), e-mail address, telephone number (required),                   PO Box 995 
extension, fax number, Agent FEIN (if any, SUITS Agent                      Columbia, SC 29202 
Account #, beginning effective date, and ending effective           
date (if applicable).                                            Questions. 
Part 3: Type of Authorization                                    Questions regarding this correspondence should be 
Check the box(es) indicating the information you wish to         directed to DEW’s Employer Tax Services using  your 
authorize your agent to receive.  If your agent will have        Self-Service  portal in SUITS,  DEW’s online UI tax 
full authority to act on your business’s behalf with regard      system at uitax.dew.sc.gov.  
to UI tax matters, check only the first box in this section.      
If you wish to specify limited authority, please check one       For instructions on how to use   SUITS, please  visit 
or more (up to 3) of the limited authorization boxes as          dew.sc.gov/suits.  
they apply. PLEASE NOTE: Unless otherwise specified,                                        
this written authorization replaces any previous written           
authorization on file with DEW. Furthermore, only one 
agent can occupy a specified roll at any one time. If you 
specify a change, all roles that are checked will be handled 
by the agent designated on this form as of the effective 
date indicated.  Any roles that are left unchecked  will 
remain accessible only by the employer and/or the current 
designated agent on file.  
Remove Current Agent 
If you wish to remove your current agent on file but do 
not wish to assign a new agent, you must log in to your 
Employer Self-Service Portal through SUITS. 

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