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General Information
These instructions are for:
● Manufacturing ● Research and Development Facilties
● Mining ● Leased Utilities
● Corporate Headquarters ● Leased Transportation for Hire
● Corporate Office Facilities ● Fee in Lieu of Tax Properties
● Distribution Facilities ● Manufacturing Warehouse
SC Code Sections
The codes and regulations mentioned in this document are available at dor.sc.gov/policy�
A manufacturer is every person engaged in making, fabricating, or changing things into new forms or
in refining, rectifying, or combining different materials. Manufacturing and mining is further defined by
the classifications set out in Sectors 21 (Mining) and Sectors 31 - 33 (Manufacturing) of the most recent
North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) manual, with the exception of publishers of
newspapers, books, and periodicals, which do not actually print their publications, in accordance with
SC Code Section 12-43-335.
Manufacturing Property Tax applies to owners of all real and/or personal property owned, used or
leased by Manufacturers, Mining Companies, or Industrial Development Projects. The Manufacturing
Property Tax also applies to the owners of all real and/or personal property used by or leased to the
following utility and transportation for hire companies: water, heat, light, and power, telephone, cable
television, sewer, railway, private carline, airline and pipeline companies.
See the application for exemption section on Page 18 of this document and the following SC Code
Sections for more information: 12-37-220(A)(7), (A)(8), (B)(32), (B)(34), (B)(52), and 12-37-220(C).
Appeal Procedures
If you dispute a new or amended value, assessment, or fee, you may appeal by filing a written protest
within 90 days of the date of the Property Assessment Notice. If your appeal is accepted, the SCDOR
will adjust the valuation to 80% of the original amount. Any valuation greater than 80% which you agree
to in writing may be accepted pending resolution of the appeal. You will be charged interest for the
unpaid amount� A written protest must be filed within 90 days and contain the following:
● Property owner's name, address, and phone number
● SID Suffix number as shown on the Property Assessment Notice
● Date of the Property Assessment Notice you are appealing
● Tax year
● Plant operation schedule identification number (For example, SCHD A00001)
● Any combination of the following, as the matters under appeal for each schedule:
■ Real property value, assessment, or fee
1 SCDOR | PT-300 and Schedules Instructions