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South Carolina Department of Revenue 
Vendor Data Specifications for SC1065ES 
Revised 8/19/22 
Data Fields Font: Print data fields in OCR-A Extended 12 pt font.  
      o The SCDOR also accepts OCR-A Type 1 10 pt font, but the font must be embedded in the document. 
      o If necessary, Courier New 12 pt font is an accepted substitute.  
 •    Grid: The grid is set up at 6 horizontal lines per inch for 66 rows total and 10 vertical lines per inch for 
      85 columns total.  
 •    Name and Address: Print in all uppercase letters with no punctuation except for a dash to separate ZIP 
      plus 4, if applicable.  
 •    Numeric: Print money amounts with a decimal and cents.  
      o If zeros are pre-printed in the cents field, round amounts to whole numbers. 
SC1065ES Data Fields 
                                         Horizontal  Vertical      Format (adhere to legend and include 
 Field Name                              Line    Column            dashes, commas, decimals) 
 NACTP number                            04 & 47             10    Replace “1350” with your 
                                                                   NACTP # for 4 digits 
 NACTP number for purchased forms vendor 05 & 48             10    9999 (not shown on grid) 
 FEIN                                    52                  10    99-9999999 
 Partnership Tax period ending (MM-YY)   52                  34    99-99 
 Payment amount                          56                  65    ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZZ.00 
 Name                                    56                  06    40 characters max 
 Address1                                57                  06    35 characters max 
 Address2                                58                  06    35 characters max 
 City (20), State (2), Zip (10)          59                  06    See grid, leave 2 spaces 
                                                                   between city/state and 2 
                                                                   spaces between state/zip 

Legend: 9 = Numeric, Z = Zero Suppressed Numeric, X = Alphanumeric 

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South Carolina Department of Revenue 
Scanline for SC1065ES 
Revised 8/19/22Font: Print form ID and scanline in OCR-A Extended 12 pt font.  
   o   The SCDOR also accepts OCR-A Type 1 10 pt font, but the font must be embedded in the document. 
   o   If necessary, Courier New 12 pt font is an accepted substitute.  
 • Grid: The grid is set up at 6 horizontal lines per inch for 66 rows total and 10 vertical lines per inch for 
   85 columns total.  
 • Scanline Placement: The scanline data begins in horizontal row 63, vertical column 20 and ends in 
   vertical column 70.  
 • Form ID: The 8-digit number to the left of the scanline data is a form ID. The form ID begins in 
   horizontal row 63, vertical column 10 and ends in vertical column 17. 
 • Check Digit Calculation: See the SCDOR Check Digit Calculation page in the Software Developers Guide. 
Example Scanline: The form ID and scanline data in this example may not reflect current year information, but 
is present to show placement and format. 
Column   1         2         3         4         5         6         7 
         35751023  987654321 1223 00000010000                        3 

If the field does not contain data on the return, zero fill the field in the scanline unless noted otherwise. 
 Field Position Description    
 A     10 17 Form   ID (not used in check digit calculation)  
 X     18 - 19  Blank Space    
 B     20 - 28  FEIN   
 X     29 - 29  Blank Space    
 C     30 - 33  Period Ending (MMYY)  MM=Month, YY = Year             
 X     34 - 34  Blank Space    
 D     35 - 45  Payment Amount (include leading zeros and cents)       
 X     46 - 69  Blank Spaces    
 E     70 - 70  Check Digit calculation for fields B, C, and D using Modulus 10 (2121…)  starting 
                 from the left digit.  Do NOT use spaces or form ID (A) in the calculation, only 

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