File is no PDF document

Bookmark: Formation - Limited-Liability Partnership

Open saved file:
  • New version (30-Jul-2024)
  • Old version (30-Jul-2024)

  • Logfile:

    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - Wsw_BeforeCheck> Adjust pagetype and checkmethod
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    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - bookmark: Formation - Limited-Liability Partnership
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    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - check webpage (automatic method):
    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - WSW> Get content with Edge:
    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - WSW> Execute Edge
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    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - WSW> Start wait loop
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - WSW> wait loop .exit file detected
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - WSW> Stop wait loop
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    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - Log from WSWEDGE:
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    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - hdr> expect-ct: max-age=31536000
    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - hdr> last-modified: Wed, 01 Nov 2023 16:49:35 GMT
    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - hdr> last-published: Wed, 01 Nov 2023 09:49:35 GMT
    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - hdr> vary: Accept-Encoding
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    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - Statuscode: 200
    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - WSWEDGE> Open URL complete
    2024-07-30 11:52:13 - WSWEDGE> Wait delay: 1sec
    2024-07-30 11:52:14 - WSWEDGE> Wait delay done
    2024-07-30 11:52:15 - WSWEDGE> URL after check:
    2024-07-30 11:52:15 - WSWEDGE> Get source - begin
    2024-07-30 11:52:15 - WSWEDGE> Source: Remove comments and scripts
    2024-07-30 11:52:15 - WSWEDGE> RemoveCommentsAndScripts
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - WSWEDGE> Get source - end
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - WSWEDGE> Check done
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - WSWEDGE> Current URL:
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - WSWEDGE> Write ini files
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - WSWEDGE> Write dat files
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    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - WSW> File length: 347
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - WSW> Current URL is:
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - Date after check: 2024-07-30 11:52:16
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - Wsw_PreProcessPage> crc_original_doc_web=2640165773
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    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - Wsw_PreProcessPage> File is no PDF document, first 100 characters: <html><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body style="h
    2024-07-30 11:52:16 - WswPreProcessPage> Error / StatusCode=2 , StatusMessage=File is no PDF document

    WebSite-Watcher error message