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Form                                  Illinois 
February 2020LLC-5.5                  Limited Liability Company ActThis space for use by Secretary of State.

Secretary of State                    Articles of Organization
Department of Business Services
Limited Liability Division            SUBMIT IN DUPLICATE
501 S. Second St., Rm. 351Type or print clearly.
Springfield, IL  62756
www.cyberdriveillinois.comFiling Fee: $150
Payment  must  be  made  by  certifiedApproved:
check, cashier’s check, Illinois attorney’s
check, C.P.A.’s check or money order
payable to Secretary of State.

1. Limited Liability Company name (see Note 1): _____________________________________________________________________

2. Address of principal place of business where records of the company will be kept: (P.O. Box alone or c/o is unacceptable.)

3. Articles of Organization effective on: (check one)
r the filing date
r a later date (not to exceed 60 days after the filing date): _________________________________________________________
                                                      Month, Day, Year
4. Registered agent’s name and registered office address:
Registered agent: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
(P.O. Box alone orFirst Name                   Middle Initial Last Name
c/o is unacceptable.)
Registered office: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
                             Number            Street         Suite #

                             City                                   ZIP
Note:    The registered agent must reside in Illinois. If the agent is a business entity, it must be authorized to act as agent in 
   this state.

5. Purpose(s) for which the Limited Liability Company is organized: (see Note 2)
The transaction of any or all lawful business for which Limited Liability Companies may be organized under this Act
and/or exclusively for the purpose(s) stated below:






6. The duration of the company is perpetual unless otherwise stated. If the operating agreement provides for a dissolution date, enter
that date here: _______________________________,______________.
                   Month/Day           Year

                             Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. March 2020 — 1 — LLC 4.25

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7 .   O ptional:Other provisions for the regulation of the internal affairs of the company: (If additional space is needed, use standard sized
   paper.)  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________




8.   The Limited Liability Company has or will have on the effective date of filing one or more members.
9.   Name(s) and business address(es) of the manager(s) and any member with the authority of manager:

    N ame                                                                        Number & Street                                                              City                                      State             ZIP
    N ame                                                                        Number & Street                                                              City                                      State             ZIP
    N ame                                                                        Number & Street                                                              City                                      State             ZIP
    Name                                                                        Number & Street                                                              City                                      State             ZIP
    Name                                                                        Number & Street                                                              City                                      State             ZIP
                                               (If additional space is needed, use standard sized paper.)

10. Name and Address of Organizer(s):
      I affirm, under penalties of perjury, having authority to sign hereto, that these Articles of Organization are to the best of my knowledge
      and belief, true, correct and complete.

      Dated: _________________________________, ________________
                           Month/Day                       Year

      1.  _____________________________________________________              1.   ___________________________________________
                                   Signature                                               Number            Street

            _____________________________________________________                  ____________________________________________
                           Name and Title (type or print)                                                City

            _____________________________________________________                  ___________________________________________
                 If organizer is signing for a company or other entity,                         State              ZIP
                           state name of company or entity.

      2.  _____________________________________________________              2.   ___________________________________________
                                   Signature                                               Number            Street

            _____________________________________________________                  ____________________________________________
                              Name (type or print)                                                       City

            _____________________________________________________                  ___________________________________________
                 If organizer is signing for a company or other entity,                         State              ZIP
                           state name of company or entity.
Note 1:The limited liability company name cannot contain any of the following terms or abbreviations including: Corporation, Incorporated,
LTD., Co. or Limited Partnership. The name must contain the term Limited Liability Company, LLC or L.L.C. For the following two entity
types: a company providing professional services licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation must instead
contain the term or abbreviation Professional Limited Liability Company, PLLC or P.L.L.C.The name of a worker cooperative shall end
with the term or abbreviation Limited Worker Cooperative Association, LWCA or L.W.C.A.

Note 2:A professional limited liability company must state the specific professional service or related professional services to be rendered
by the professional limited liability company.

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