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 RETURNTO:  TN DEPT OFLABOR ANDWORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                                                                 
                                                        EMPLOYER    ACCOUNTS/EMPLOYER                 SERVICES                                                                                            TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT                OF  LABOR          ANDWORKFORCE     DEVELOPMENT  
                                                        220 FRENCH     LANDING    DRIVE,    3-B 
                                                        NASHVILLE TN    37243-1002                                                                                                                                REPORT TO DETERMINE STATUS  
                                                        PHONE (615) 741-2486           FAX (615)       741-7214   
                                                        EMAIL:  employerstatus.rates@tn.gov                                                                                                                APPLICATION FOR  EMPLOYER NUMBER                                   
 1.  Enter Federal Number, Business Name and Address                                                                                                                                                                                       OFFICIAL  USE  ONLY             
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tennessee ID Number                      M. No.               County             Alt Zip     
 Federal Number                                                                -                             
 Employer Name                                                                                                                                                                                      Liab.  Org.                  First Employment                            Date Liable 
 Trade                                                Name         
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Comp Year                   NAICS                             M-NAICS                Verified 
 Mailing                                               Address                                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Previous          No.                                          Rate 
 Physical Business Address   in Tennessee                                                                  (other than employee 
 residence) if   different from                                                  above:      
 ______________________________________________________  Phone:____________________                                                                                                                                                                              Fax:___________________ 
 Business                                               Website:_______________________________________                                                                                            Email  Address:               ______________________________________  
 2. Have you                                            previously     had       an account   with        this  department?        YES     NO                                                            IfYES, Account Number                                                          
 3. Is your                                           organization   aProfessional Employer            Organization (PEO)?                                                                         YES    NO        IfYES,          Tennessee license number                                     
 Is your                                              organization   a client     of aProfessional Employer Organization (PEO)?   YES    NO                                                                               
       IfYES,                                           STOP. STOP      Please complete LB-0910,                 Application       for Client                                                     Number. 
                                                        corporation0        is a nonprofit, exempt         from  Federal     Income Taxes                                                          under  Section         501(C)(3)   of the  IRS      Code, STOP.         STOP 
                                                      Please complete        LB-0444,   Report   to Determine             Status,  Nonprofit                                                       Organization.                                                           0 
 4. CHECK (X) FORM                                                 OF   ORGANIZATION                   5. Name   of Owner,         Partners,                                                      Corporate Officers,         Limited       Liability Company      Social Security   Number 
                                                                                                           Members and       Managers (If Board                                                        Managed)  , General                  Partners
                                                                                                           (Attach separate        sheet if                                                 necessary.) 
     INDIVIDUAL                                                                                      _________________________________________________________________________ 
     PARTNERSHIP                                                                                     _________________________________________________________________________ 
      CORPORATION                                                                                     _________________________________________________________________________ 
      LIMITED LIABILITY                                                     COMPANY                   _________________________________________________________________________ 
      LIMITED PARTNERSHIP                                                                             _________________________________________________________________________ 
      OTHER                                                                                           _________________________________________________________________________ 
 NOTE:     If a Limited                                                Liability  Company,            are you   treated   by IRS   as a(n)                                                   Individual Proprietorship                  Partnership   or as   a Corporation? 
 6. Name   of person                                              responsible      for payroll       records                                                                                                                 Phone      Number                                         
 7. A. Number   of workers                                             you     have  employed         (will employ)   TNin                                                                             D. Are you presently reporting for                       U.I.purposes    anotherin state?
                                                                                                                                                                                                           YES      NO                 IfYES, which          state?                            
     B. Date you first employed                                              (will employ)   aworker   inTN                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                       E.     If acorporation or   LLC, provide formation                 information. 
     C.Date                                            you first paid  (will pay)   aworker   inTennessee                                                                                                  Date                               State                Control No.                        
 8. REGULAR BUSINESS                                                         EMPLOYMENT (SEPARATE REPORTS                          MUST                                                     BE    FILED   FOR    EACH         CALENDAR        QUARTER              IN WHICH     WAGES          WERE PAID.) 
 A. Have                                               you employed   or do       you  expect   to employ   at least      one   worker   in twenty                                                    different   calendar         weeks     during    a calendar         year? YES     NO    
         IfYES, give earliest month and year the twentieth week occurred (will occur).                                                                                                             MONTH                                                         YEAR                           
 B. Have                                               you had   or do  you      expect   to have   a quarterly   payroll   of $1,500   or more?                                                       YES                 NO   
         IfYES, give earliest                                           quarter and year this occurred (will occur).            QUARTER                                                                                                      YEAR                               
 9. HOUSEHOLD EMPLOYMENT (SEPARATE REPORTS                                                                        MUST       BE    FILED                                                    FOR     EACH   CALENDAR              QUARTER   WHICHIN               WAGES     WERE  PAID.) 
 A. Have                                               you had   or do  you      expect   to have   a $1,000     quarterly   payroll   for                                                  domestic   services?  YES                      NO    
         IfYES, give earliest quarter and year this occurred (will occur).                                                      QUARTER                                                                                                      YEAR                             
 10. AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT                                                           (SEPARATE REPORTS                  MUST     BE                                                       FILED  FOR    EACH    CALENDAR                 QUARTER   WHICHIN        WAGES WERE         PAID.) 
 A. Have                                               you employed   or do       you  expect   to employ   at least      ten   or more                                                     workers   in some     part     of a   day in twenty       different    weeks   during   a calendar      year?
       YES      NO                                                 IfYES, give earliest   month        and   year this   occurred                                                       (will occur). MONTH                                                    YEAR                          
 B. Have                                               you had   or do  you      expect   to have   a quarterly   payroll   of $20,000   or more?                                                         YES              NO   
         IfYES,                                         give     earliest    quarter  and   year      this occurred  (will occur).   QUARTER                                                                                                 YEAR                           
 C.     Is allactivity performed                                        on       a   farm?    YES              NO                 If NO,                                                   what   percentage              is?             Please explain   in 13A         on page     2. 
 Must be signed   by owner,                                             partner,      authorized          limited liability  company                                                        member   or manager,   or officer   of the            corporation. 
 Signature                                                                                                                Title                                                                                                                       Date                                        
                                                                                                                  PLEASE COMPLETE PAGE                                                                            2. 
                                                            FAILURE TO              DO SO WILL             RESULT   IN RECEIVING THE                                                                   HIGHEST               PREMIUM          RATE              ASSIGNABLE. 
 LB-0441 (Rev.                                          08-23)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RDA 1559 

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 11. (A)     Name and Address   of predecessor employer                               ________________________________________________ 
 (B)   Account Number   of predecessor employer                                                                 (C)  Date   acquisitionof                                               
 (D)   Did you acquire all   of your predecessor’s               business   in Tennessee?         YES   NO                    If No,  what  percentage       did  you  acquire?                  
 (E)   Did your predecessor continue in business in                  Tennessee?                   YES    NO  
 (F)   Tennessee Employment Security Law provides for the mandatory transfer                      of an employer’s    benefit     and  premium    experience    whenever    there is   any
       common ownership, management or control between the predecessor and successor                         employers.         
       Did any owner or manager of this                company   have     an ownership       interest  in   or participate in   the management         or control of the   
       business  acquired?                          YES                   NO    
            If  “YES,” please    explain:     ____________________________________________________________________________________________
       Per TCA 50-7-403(b)(2)(C)(ii) “Common ownership, management or                        control” includes      any individual    who    has at   least a   10% ownership  interest   in      -
       or who participates   in the management or control of - the predecessor’s               trade   or business and      has a   relative with a   10% ownership  interest   in   - or who
        participates   inthe management       or  control of  - the successor’s  trade  or business.       
       Does anyone who had   a 10% or               more ownership         interest   in   the previous   company    -         or who participated in   its management          or control -  
        have   arelative with    a   10% or       more interest  in   this company    or who participates          in   its management       or control?         
       YES           NO                    If  “YES,” please  explain:  __________________________________________________________________________ 
       If you are not subject     to a mandatory transfer of experience but           wish to   succeed to   the experience     of  the predecessor   employer, Form      LB-0483,         
        Application for Transfer of Experience Rating Record, must be   submitted by                   no later than the    end   of the quarter  following the     quarter in which   the 
        acquisition  occurred. 
   12.  Enter below      the  amount of total          payroll   for each   quarter   in which         you  have    had   or expect to       have  employment. 
          YEAR           JAN-MAR              APR-JUNE          JUL-SEPT         OCT-DEC               YEAR          JAN-MAR             APR-JUNE            JUL-SEPT           OCT-DEC 
   (A)  Describe the major business activity   of the account to   be covered,                  listing   any  products        manufactured     or sold, or   service provided.         
        Be    as  descriptive     as        possible.    _________________________________________________________________________________________ 
   (B) In  what   Tennessee County                  is  your   company     located?                                                                                                 
        (If  account     covers   sales           reps or other  personnel       working       from    home,       list county       or city   of residence.) 
   (C)  Is  the primary purpose   of the employee(s)             covered by     this  application      to   support other locations of your company                     ? YES        NO  
            If YES, then check       the      category   that best  applies.   Add    comments        as necessary. _____________________________________________ 
            HEADQUARTERS  (e.g.,                 corporate     or  regional    management         offices) __________________________________________________ 
            ADMINISTRATIVE  (e.g.,               bookkeeping,      accounting,       payroll,  HR,    PR)___________________________________________________ 
            WAREHOUSING             (e.g.,       storage,  distribution,  equipment       yard) _________________________________________________________ 
            SALESMAN         (indicate  product)          ____________________________________________________________________________________ 
            INFORMATION         TECHNOLOGY (e.g., software publication,                       programming,      systems       design,   data  processing)           
            OTHER       (e.g.,  repair shop,       security    office, maintenance, employee             recreation        facility) 
   (D)  Below    are some industries that often            need  additional    clarification.   This section       may      not apply  to   every employer.      If   you see  your        
        industry,  please answer the corresponding               question(s).        
   Construction:              What type   of construction? _________________________________                                Mostly       residential     or                      
   Property     Mgmt.:        Does this business manage property for                others or   for    itself?          Mostly  residential     or     non-residential? 
   Trucking:                  Is the main trucking activity    local or     long distance?                              Mostly  truckload     orless than  truckload?      
                                             Temporary                              Employment
   Empl.  Agency   :          Is this     a               Staffing Service       oran                   Placement     Agency?  
   Health   Care:             Is this     aDoctor’s Office,     Multi-Disciplinary   Clinic,   Freestanding Urgent        Care   Center   or     Other?   
                              Please specify. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
   Info  Tech   (IT):         Which category best fits your business?   Software              Publication,   Programming,            Systems  Design,   Data   Processing 
   Restaurant:                Is the restaurant   Full Service,       Fast Food,     Cafeteria/Buffet,      Snack Bar,       Other? Please  specify.     _____________________  
   Consulting  :              What   isthe primary type   ofconsulting?   Administrative,              Human    Resources,   Marketing,         Process/Logistics,      
                               Environmental,     or  Other   Please-    specify. ___________________________________________________________________________ 
   Home Health:               Does the care involve skilled nursing?                  YES                    NO  
   Retail:                    What   is  the      primary  product?  ______________________________________________________________________________________ 
   Wholesale:                 What   is  the      primary  product? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 
   Mining:                    What   is  the      primary  product? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 
   Convenience Store: Does the                store sell gasoline?                    YES                    NO  
   Manufacturing:             What   is the       primary product?  __________________________________________________________________________________________ 
   LB-0441  (Rev. 08-23)                                                                       Page 2                                                                                  RDA 1559 

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                               INFORMATION FOR COMPLETING STATUS                                        APPLICATION 
 Enclosed     is a Report   to Determine            Status/Application       for  Employer     Number. The Tennessee Employment Security                    
 Law and Regulations requires each employing unit   in Tennessee   to file this report with the Department of   Labor and 
 Workforce Development for the purpose   of determining status.                       If   you answer   “Yes”   to   question 7(d) or   any one of   the 
 questions in items 8,     9 or 10      on the  status     application,      you  are  liable    for  unemployment       insurance coverage    with         
 this department.  Please         complete      and   submit      the    enclosed     form     as  soon  as  you  have  paid  wages  for  services          
 performed in    Tennessee.  
 The requirements for liability are: 
   Items     8 A and   B on        the  status      application do    not    pertain   to farm   or household   employees. 
   Item 8A.             During some part     of a day   in each of   twenty calendar           weeks   of     a calendar year, did you    
                        employ   ordo you expect      to   employ one   or more       persons?   (The  weeks    need not   be consecutive 
                        and both full   and  part-time      workers      are counted.) 
   Item 8B.             Have you  paid     or do you  expect   to pay    wages   of$1,500  or more   in any     calendar  quarter? 
   Item 9A.             Did you have   or do you expect   to have   a calendar quarter             in   which you paid    household      
                        employee(s) $1,000  or more   in cash         wages?   If so,  you  are  liable  for all wages    paid during 
                        that year and the following calendar year. 
   Item 10A.            During some     part     of a day   in each   of twenty   weeks     of a calendar year   did you  employ     or do 
                        you expect   to employ      ten   or more persons?    (The    weeks     need   not   be consecutive   and both    full 
                        and part-time   workers       are  counted.) 
   Item 10B.     Have you        paid     or do you   expect   to pay    wages   of$20,000  or more   in any    calendar  quarter? 
 Leave the space under Item   1 for         Federal Number blank   youif               have not yet been assigned   FEINa        (Federal Employer 
 Identification Number). You       will  receive   a letter    asking    for this number   after we    establish your state    account.  Return the   letter 
 with your FEIN when you receive the number from the Internal Revenue Service. 
   If you are  completing      quarterly   reports    and/or   the Application    for  Transfer   of Experience   Rating   (LB-0483), please return 
 them   inthe same      envelope with    this application.     DO NOT write   inthe box        titled  State Account     Number      if you are submitting 
 quarterly Premium (LB-0456) and Wage (LB-0851) Reports along with this                          application.   Your new  number     will be recorded      
 here when assigned. 
 Anyone who   is paid for personal services by   a corporation   is considered   to be an employee                   of   the corporation  even   if that 
 person   isan officer  and/or   owns   stock   in   the corporation.     
 NOTE: PLEASE BE SURE TO SIGN                   YOUR STATUS APPLICATION   at the                 bottom   and   include   the  appropriate  information. 
 Also, complete         both pages   of your Status   Application     form. 
 Failure to complete both pages                 of    the  application       or   to  provide    sufficient     information     upon     which  to    
 correctly classify          the industry     code    will     result   in the    highest      new    employer   rate    being  assigned. 
 LB-0441  (Rev. 08-23)                                                       Page  3                                                           RDA  1559  

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 Mail To:  TN         Dept   of Labor and Workforce Development 
               Division  of Employment Security  
               Employer Accounts/Employer Services 
               220 French Landing     Drive, 3-B 
               Nashville TN 37243-1002 
                                                PREMIUM RATE               INFORMATION 
 New employers   in Tennessee              are initially subject     to a “new employer”  rate   until their account has been subject to 
 premiums and         chargeable      with benefits for thirty-six consecutive  months   ending   on the computation date    (December   31 
 of each year). They then become eligible, beginning on               the next July 1,   for a   premium rate based on their individual   
 reserve experience. 
 New employer rates             are determined separately for each    major industry group based  on the     combined   reserve experience 
 of each industry group as   a whole.  Presently, all industries, starting July 1, 2021, have   a new employer rate           of   2.7%.  
 The new       employer      rates  for construction, mining, and manufacturing, for prior years,      are listed below. 
               Rate Year          Construction        Mining                             Manufacturing          
                                                     Extraction         Sector 31           Sector 32          Sector 33 
   July ’17  June ‘18                6.0%               2.7%              2.7%                  2.7%                   5.0% 

   July ’18   June ‘19           5.5%                  2.7%              2.7%                  2.7%                   2.7% 

         July ’19   – June ‘20        5.0%               2.7%              2.7%                  2.7%                   2.7% 

         July ’20   – June ‘21        5.0%               2.7%              2.7%                  2.7%                   2.7% 

         July ’21   – June ‘22        2.7%               2.7%              2.7%                  2.7%                   2.7% 

         July ’22   – June ‘23        2.7%               2.7%              2.7%                  2.7%                   2.7% 
   July ’23   – June ‘24              2.7%               2.7%              2.7%                  2.7%                   2.7% 

        NAICS Manufacturing Sector             31 includes   food, beverage, and tobacco products,           as   well as textiles, 
         leather, and apparel products. 
        NAICS Manufacturing Sector   32 includes             wood products, paper       products, printing and      related support 
         activities, petroleum and         coal products, chemical        manufacturing, plastics and rubber      products, and
         nonmetallic mineral          products. 
        NAICS Manufacturing Sector             33 includes   metal     products, machinery, computer         and electronic products,
         electrical   equipment, appliances, transportation equipment, and furniture              manufacturing. 
 LB-0441 (Rev. 08-23)                                              Page 4                                                       RDA 1559 

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