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                                                                                                                                         RV-R0001602     INTERNET (2-15)
301                INHERITANCE TAX RETURN                                                                                                AMENDED RETURN

                                                                     ____  ____  ____  -  ____  ____  -  ____  ____  ____  ____
   DATE OF DEATH                   COUNTY OF TN PROBATE                                                         DECEDENT'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER
                                                                                                                              This return should be used for estates of dece-
NAME OF DECEDENT Last:                                               First:                                    MI: ____       dents whose date of death is on or after Janu-
                                                                                                                              ary 1,  1990. This return is due nine (9) months
ADDRESS (AT TIME OF DEATH) ____________________________________________                                                       after the date of the decedent's death, unless
                                                                                                                              an extension of time is granted by the Depart-
______________________________________________________________________                                                        ment. Please print in blue or black ink.

CITY:                                                                       State:                        ZIP CODE:__________ Make your check payable to the Tennessee
                                                                                                                              Department of Revenue for the amount shown
                                                                                                                              on Line 10 and mail to:
                                                               Yes                                              No            Tennessee Department of Revenue
                                                                                                                              Andrew Jackson State Office Building
Election of Alternate Valuation                                _________                                        _________     500 Deaderick Street
Election of Special Use Valuation                              _________                                        _________     Nashville, Tennessee 37242
Gross Estate contains T.C.A. ยง67-8-304 (10) (QTIP) property ________                                            _________     For assistance, you may call in-state toll free
                                                                                                                              1-800-342-1003 or (615) 253-0600.

Age of Decedent ________ Did decedent have a will?             Yes                                              No (If Yes, attach a copy to the return).
Personal Representative's Name (executor, etc.)  Last Name:                                        First Name:                               MI: ___
Address Street:                                                          City:                                               State:             Zip Code: _________
Personal Representative's Name (executor, etc.)  Last Name:                                        First Name:                               MI: ___
Address Street:                                                          City:                                               State:             Zip Code: _________
Return Preparer: Last Name/Firm:                                            First Name:                               MI:           Phone____________
Address Street:                                                          City:                                               State:             Zip Code: _________
Attorney For the Estate  Last Name/Firm:                                First Name:                               MI:          Phone:
Address Street:                                                          City:                                               State:             Zip Code: _________
                                                                                                                                         ROUND TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR
                                                                                                                                         Dollars               Cents
                                         COMPUTATION OF AMOUNT DUE
1. Inheritance Tax...................................................................................................................... _________________________00
2. Deduct: Applicable Credits.....................................................................................................       _________________________00
3. Inheritance Tax Payable (Line 1 minus Line 2).......................................................................                  _________________________00
4. Tennessee Estate Tax ...........................................................................................................      _________________________00
5. Total Taxes Due (Add Lines 3 and 4)......................................................................................             _________________________00
6. Deduct: Extension Payments.................................................................................................           _________________________00
7. Balance of Tax Due (Line 5 minus Line 6) ..............................................................................               _________________________00
8. Penalty (5% for each 30-day period of delinquency not to exceed 25% of the tax due)...........                                        _________________________00
9. Interest (________% per annum on any taxes unpaid by the due date)..................................                                  _________________________00
10.  Total Amount Due (Add Lines 7, 8, and 9)..........................................................................                                               00

Under the penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this report, and to the best of my knowledge and               FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
                      belief, it is true, correct and complete.
Personal                                                                                                                      Acct. #____________________
signature __________________________________________ Date______________
                                                                                                                              Date Rec'd ________________
signature __________________________________________ Date______________                                                       Amt. Rec'd $_______________
                                                               Page 1

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                                              GENERAL INFORMATION
            (A copy of the decedent's death certificate may be submitted in lieu of completing Lines 1 through 6.)

1. Decedent's date of birth ______________________Place of birth _______________________________________________
2. Place of death if different than decedent's address (e.g. name of hospital) _________________________________________

3. Cause of death__________________________________________Length of last illness_____________________________
4. Decedent's physician(s): Name_____________________________  Name ____________________________________
                            Address___________________________ Address __________________________________

                            _________________________________  _________________________________________
5. Decedent's business or occupation:
If decedent was retired, check here

6. Decedent's marital status at time of death:
      Married -- date of marriage  to surviving spouse __________________________
      Widow or widower-- Name of Deceased spouse___________________________________________________________

            -- Date of spouse's death _____________________________
      Legally separated -- Name of spouse ___________________________________________________________________

      Divorced -- Date divorce decree became final____________________________
7. Names, ages, addresses, and the value of all interests of the heirs, next of kin or devisees of the decedent are as follows:

NAME                        AGE               ADDRESS                            RELATIONSHIP AMOUNT

                                              Page 2

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                           RECAPITULATION  -  GROSS ESTATE

           &ODVVLILFDWLRQ                  $OWHUQDWH
6FKHGXOH          3URSHUW\                 9DOXH                      'HDWK
                                           '2//$56         &(176      '2//$56 &(176

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                                           BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00

6FKHGXOH   'HGXFWLRQV                                                 $PRXQW
                                                                      DOLLARS CENTS

-                              ([SHQVHV                               BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00
.                    0RUWJDJHV                                        BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00
0                                                                     BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00
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                                                                      '2//$56 &(176

           HVWDWH                                                     BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00
GHGXFWLRQV                                                            BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00
  HVWDWH                                                              BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00
           JLIWV                                                      BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00

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                                         INHERITANCE TAX COMPUTATION

The state inheritance tax is imposed upon the net taxable estate of a decedent. In the case of resident decedent's between January 1, 2006 and
December 31, 2012, the allowable exemption is $1,000,000; in 2013, the allowable exemption is $1,250,000; in 2014; the allowable exemption
is $2,000,000; and in 2015, the allowable exemption is $5,000,000. In 2016 and thereafter, no inheritance tax is imposed.

                                                                                                                              DOLLARS CENTS

1.   Taxable estate (From Line 16, Page 3).............................................................................       ________________________00
2.   Deduct: Statutory exemption............................................................................................. ________________________00
3.   Net taxable estate (Line 1 minus 2)...................................................................................   ________________________00

4.   Inheritance tax (Compute the tax by using the applicable tax rate
     shown below and transfer to Line 1, Page 1) ....................................................................         ________________________00

     If Line 3 is:                                     The tax is:

     Not over $40,000                                  5.5% of the net taxable estate

     Over $40,000 but not over $240,000                $2,200, plus 6.5% of the excess over $40,000

     Over $240,000 but not over $440,000               $15,200, plus 7.5% of the excess over $240,000

     Over $440,000                                     $30,200, plus 9.5% of the excess over $440,000

                                         SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION:

If entries on the federal return regarding the value of the gross estate or the reported total allowable deductions differ from the
corresponding entries on the Tennessee return, please explain the difference below. If no federal estate tax return was filed, enter
below: assets not taxable in Tennessee or deductions not allowable in Tennessee.

ITEM                                             EXPLANATION

                          (If more space is required, attach additional sheets of same size.)
                                                 Page 4

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