Enlarge image | South Carolina Department of Revenue Data to be Used for Creating Sample Forms for Income (SC1040-V) (2023) Revised 05-15-2023 You must submit 1 form for each example, for a total of five test cases. Submissions will not be approved if the correct number of test cases is not provided and/or South Carolina test cases are not used. Coupon 1: Coupon 4: Primary SSN: 111-11-1111 Primary SSN: 555-55-5555 Secondary SSN: None Secondary SSN: 777-77-7777 Primary Taxpayer: Income Jones Primary Taxpayer: Sammy McOwes Secondary Taxpayer: NA Secondary Taxpayer: Sally McOwes Address: 123 Time to File Address: 123 Bill Lane Apt 23A Anywhere SC 29999 Anywhere SC 29999 Composite Filer: Yes Composite Filer: No Period Covered: 12-23 Period Covered: 12-23 Payment amount: $100.00 Payment amount: $100.00 Coupon 2: Primary SSN: 666-66-6666 Secondary SSN: 222-22-2222 Primary Taxpayer: Paying Joe Secondary Taxpayer: Spending Joe Coupon 5: Address: PO Box 1234 Primary SSN: 888-88-8888 APO AP 29999 Secondary SSN: None Composite Filer: No Primary Taxpayer: Owing O Connor Period Covered: 12-23 Secondary Taxpayer: NA Payment amount: $200.00 Address: Blurnfad 15 41516 Frankfurt Germany Coupon 3: Composite Filer: Yes Primary SSN: 333-33-3333 Period Covered: 12-23 Secondary SSN: 444-44-4444 Payment amount: $148.00 Primary Taxpayer: Penny Pa Secondary Taxpayer: Doll Pa Address: PO Box 1 Anywhere SC 29999-1204 Composite Filer: No Period Covered: 12-23 Payment amount: $1.00 |