Enlarge image | STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 1350 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE WH-105 SOUTH CAROLINA WITHHOLDING TAX (Rev. / /21) 8004 dor.sc.gov INFORMATION GUIDE Who Must Withhold Employers are required to withhold taxes for state purposes and WR make a return or deposit of these taxes to the SCDOR if they: v have employees earning wages in South Carolina, and v are required to make a return or deposit with the IRS You must withhold South Carolina state taxes at the same time wages are earned by employees working in South Carolina. An employee who works in another state but is a resident of South Carolina will have taxes withheld for the other state. However, if that state does not have an Income Tax, you must withhold South Carolina taxes since South Carolina is the employee's state of legal residence. South Carolina also requires withholding from v UR\DOWLHV v SUL]HV v ZLQQLQJV v QRQUHVLGHQW FRQWUDFWRUV ZLWK FRQWUDFWV H[FHHGLQJ v UHQWDO SD\PHQWV PDGH WR QRQUHVLGHQWV ZKR RZQ ILYH RU PRUH UHVLGHQWLDO XQLWV RU RQH RU PRUH FRPPHUFLDO SURSHUWLHV LQ 6& v SHUVRQV DIIHFWHG E\ WKH ,OOHJDO ,PPLJUDWLRQ 5HIRUP $FW : 5HTXLUHPHQWV 6RXWK &DUROLQD HPSOR\HHV PXVW FRPSOHWH WKH 6& : 6& (PSOR\HH V :LWKKROGLQJ $OORZDQFH &HUWLILFDWH v Each employee hired after December 31, 2019 or previously hired employees who want to make changes to their state withholding must submit a signed SC W-4 to you. v For employees hired after December 31, 2019, you must withhold at the rate of zero allowances if no SC W-4 is provided. v If you receive an SC W-4 from an employee claiming 10 or more withholding allowances or you believe the S& : LV incorrect, you must send a copy of the SC W-4 to the SCDOR within 30 days. Mail these SC W-4s to: SCDOR, Tax Support, PO Box 125, Columbia, SC 29214-0400. You must withhold on the basis of the SC W-4 until notified by the SCDOR to withhold at a different rate. How to Obtain a Withholding File Number Your South Carolina withholding file number is a nine digit number. Reference this file number on all returns, correspondence, and payments to the SCDOR. You must apply for a South Carolina withholding file number to deposit your withholding payments. v The fastest, easiest way to apply is online at MyDORWAY.dor.sc.gov. You can also apply by completing and submitting WKH SCDOR-111, Business Tax Application. The number makes you a withholding agent. v If the ownership of the business changes, such as a conversion from a partnership to a corporation, you must apply for a new withholding file number. v A new withholding file number is not required for a change of address. v If you are required to get a new federal identification number )(,1 , you are also required to get a new South Carolina withholding file number. Making Payments - Resident and Nonresident If your resident or nonresident South Carolina Withholding Tax is $15,000 or more during a quarter or you make 24 or more payments in a year, you must file and pay electronically at MyDORWAY.dor.sc.gov. If your resident or nonresident South Carolina :ithholding 7ax is less than $15,000 per quarter, you may voluntarily file and pay electronically. If you choose not to file and pay electronically, you must submit your payment using the WH-1601, Withholding Tax Coupon ZKLFK LV DYDLODEOH DW GRU VF JRY IRUPV. Filing and paying electronically is recommended, as it is the fastest and most secure PHWKRG. Payments alone do not satisfy the filing requirement for withholding returns. Resident employers or withholding agents are required to pay :ithholding axes7at the same time that their federal payments are due, regardless of your state amount withheld. Resident employers are those whose principal place of business is in South Carolina. Nonresident employers or withholding agents are required to make payments either quarterly or monthly. If your South Carolina state tax liability is less than $500 for the quarter, your payment is due by the last day of the month following the end of the quarter. Once your withholding reaches $500 or more during the quarter, it is due by the 15th of the following month. Nonresident employers are those whose principal place of business is outside of South Carolina. |
Enlarge image | Submitting W-2s W-2s and 1099s that have SC Withholding Tax are due to the SCDOR by January 31. If the IRS requires you to file your W-2s electronically, you must submit W-2s to the SCDOR online through the W-2 portal at MyDORWAY.dor.sc.gov. If you're not required to submit W-2s electronically, you can submit W-2s and 1099s by paper using WH-1612, Transmittal Form for W-2s, which can be found at dor.sc.gov/forms. Methods of Filing a Return Methods of Payment Payments alone do not satisfy the filing requirement. MyDORWAY - Online Filing MyDORWAY - Electronic Payment System EFT - Electronic Funds Withdrawal Paper Filing - Mail Return (WH-1605 or WH-1606) Paper Filing - Mail WH-1601 and Payment For details on filing and payment methods, visit dor.sc.gov/withholding. Filing Returns There are two types of Withholding Tax returns: the WH-1605 and the WH-1606. Annual filers should only file WH-1606. See below for more information on annual filers. WH-1605 SC Withholding Quarterly Tax Return You must complete the WH-1605 for the first three quarters of the year. WH-1606 SC Withholding Fourth Quarter and Annual Reconciliation Return You must complete the WH-1606 if your South Carolina withholding account was open for any portion of the year. Do not file a WH-1605 for the fourth quarter. You must file a return for each quarter as long as the SC withholding account is open, even if \RX ZLWKKHOG no tax DQG KDG no employees. You may receive delinquent tax notices if you fail to file your quarterly tax returns. Due Dates for Filing Returns: FORM QUARTER DUE DATE WH-1605 1st (Jan-Feb-Mar) Apr 30 WH-1605 2nd (Apr-May-Jun) Jul 31 WH-1605 3rd (Jul-Aug-Sep) Oct 31 WH-1606 4th (Oct-Nov-Dec) / ANNUAL (Jan-Dec) Jan 31 If the due date of the return falls on a holiday or weekend, the return is due on the next business day. WH-1603 Withholding Tax Tables / WH-1603F: Withholding Tax Formula Use the Withholding Tax tables or formula to determine correct amounts to withhold. Find the most current versions of these documents at dor.sc.gov/forms. Closing a Withholding Account You can close your account: • at MyDORWAY.dor.sc.gov • by completing and submitting a C-278, Account Closing Form • by marking the Close Withholding Account box and including a close date on your WH-1605 or WH-1606 return You are required to file a return through the closing date. You must file a WH-1606 return if the account was open for any portion of the calendar year. Annual Filers If you voluntarily withhold taxes from sources that do not require withholding, such as farmers, domestic help, fishermen, or ordained pastors, the SCDOR allows you to file returns and pay Withholding Tax on an annual basis. To find more information on how annual filers should correctly file withholding returns and make withholding payments for South Carolina, visit dor.sc.gov/withholding. The IRS changed its employment tax filing requirement for certain other businesses from quarterly to annually. As of the date of this publication, South Carolina has not adopted this change. Enterprise Zone Act / Rural Development Act Employers or withholding agents who have qualified and been approved by the South Carolina Coordinating Council for Economic Development may use a portion of the state Income Tax withheld from their employees as ob - 'evelopment &redits and mployee ( etraining 5 redits.&Use the WH-1605Z and WH-1606Z if you qualify to file these types of returns. See Chapter 8, Title 12, of the SC Code of Laws at dor.sc.gov/policy for withholding statutes. Visit dor.sc.gov/withholding for additional information. |