Enlarge image | South Carolina Department of Revenue Vendor Data Specifications for SC1040ES Revised 1/9/23 Data Fields: • Font: Print data fields in OCR-A Extended 12 pt font. o The SCDOR also accepts OCR-A Type 1 10 pt font, but the font must be embedded in the document. o If necessary, Courier New 12 pt font is an accepted substitute. • Grid: The grid is set up at 6 horizontal lines per inch for 66 rows total and 10 vertical lines per inch for 85 columns total. • Name and Address: Print in all uppercase letters with no punctuation except for a dash to separate ZIP plus 4, if applicable. • Numeric: Print money amounts with a decimal and cents. o If zeros are pre-printed in the cents field, round amounts to whole numbers. SC1040ES Data Fields Horizontal Vertical Format (adhere to legend and Field Name Line Column include dashes, commas, decimals) NACTP number 4 & 47 10 Replace “1350” with your NACTP # for 4 digits NACTP number for purchased forms vendor 5 & 48 10 9999 (not shown on grid) YEAR (in title bar) 48 24 9999 st 1 Qtr 52 55 Mark with “X” inside box if applicable. nd 2 Qtr 52 67 Mark with “X” inside box if applicable. SSN 53 10 999-99-9999 Spouse SSN 53 28 999-99-9999 Composite Filer 53 49 Mark with “X” inside box if applicable. rd 3 Qtr 54 55 Mark with “X” inside box if applicable. th 4 Qtr 54 67 Mark with “X” inside box if applicable. Payment Amount 57 65 ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZZ.00 Primary Name (First – 10, Last - 14) 57 10 24 characters max, leave 1 space between First and Last Spouse Name (First – 10, Last - 14) 58 10 24 characters max, leave 1 space between First and Last Address 59 10 35 characters max City (14), State (2), Zip (10) 60 10 Leave 2 spaces between city/state and 2 spaces between state/zip(99999-9999) Legend: 9 = Numeric, Z = Zero Suppressed Numeric, X = Alphanumeric |
Enlarge image | South Carolina Department of Revenue Scanline for SC1040ES Revised 1/9/23 • Font: Print form ID and scanline in OCR-A Extended 12 pt font. o The SCDOR also accepts OCR-A Type 1 10 pt font, but the font must be embedded in the document. o If necessary, Courier New 12 pt font is an accepted substitute. • Grid: The grid is set up at 6 horizontal lines per inch for 66 rows total and 10 vertical lines per inch for 85 columns total. • Scanline Placement: The scanline data begins in horizontal row 63, vertical column 20 and ends in vertical column 70. • Form ID: The 8 digit number to the left of the scanline data is a form ID. The form ID begins at horizontal row 63, vertical column 10 and ends at vertical column 17. • Check Digit Calculation: See the SCDOR Check Digit Calculation page in the Software Developers Guide. Example Scanline: The form ID and scanline data in this example may not reflect current year information, but is present to show placement and format. Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 AAAAAAAAXXBBBBBBBBBXXCCCCCCCCCXXDDEEXXFFFFFFFFFFFXGXXXXXXXXXH 30801237 123456789 987654321 1222 00000010000 1 5 If the field does not contain data on the return, zero fill the field in the scanline unless noted otherwise. Field Position Description A 10 – 17 Form ID (not used in check digit calculation) X 18 - 19 Blank Space B 20 - 28 Primary SSN X 29 - 30 Blank Space C 31 - 39 Spouse SSN X 40 - 41 Blank Space D 42 - 43 Period Covered Month (MM) = 03, 06, 09, 12 Payment Voucher Quarter 1 = 03 Payment Voucher Quarter 2 = 06 Payment Voucher Quarter 3 = 09 Payment Voucher Quarter 4 = 12 E 44 – 45 Period Covered Year (YY) – Tax Year printed on header of the form. X 46 - 47 Blank Space F 48 - 58 Payment Amount (include leading zeros and pennies) X 59 Blank Space G 60 Composite Filer Indicator 0 = Non-Composite Filer, 1 = Composite Filer X 61 - 69 Blank Space H 70 - 70 Check Digit calculation for fields B, C, D, E, F, and G using Modulus 10 (2121…) starting from the left digit. Do NOT use spaces or form ID (A) in the calculation, only digits. |