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                                                                             1830019105                                        RECORDER’S USE ONLY
                                               (EX) MOD 06-19 (FI)                                              State Tax Paid:
                                                                                                                Book:                   Page:
                                 Bureau of IndIvIdual Taxes 
                                 REV-183                           REALTY TRANSFER TAX                          Instrument Number:
                                 Po Box 280603                     STATEMENT OF VALUE 
                                 HarrIsBurg, Pa 17128-0603         COMPLETE EACH SECTION                        Date Recorded:

       SECTION I                 TRANSFER DATA
START  Date of Acceptance of Document  MM/DD/YYYY
       Grantor(s)/Lessor(s)                             Telephone Number        Grantee(s)/Lessee(s)                                     Telephone Number

       Mailing Address                                                          Mailing Address

       City                                             State       ZIP Code    City                                                     State  ZIP Code

       Street Address                                                           City, Township, Borough

       County                                           School District                                          Tax Parcel Number

       SECTION III               VALUATION DATA
       Was transaction part of an assignment or relocation?        YES         NO
       1. Actual Cash Consideration                     2. Other Consideration                                   3. Total Consideration 
                                                            +                                                        =
       4. County Assessed Value                         5. Common Level Ratio Factor                             6. Computed Value 
                                                            x                                                        =
      VSECTION IV                EXEMPTION DATA - Refer to instructions for exemption status.
       1a. Amount of Exemption Claimed                  1b. Percentage of Grantor’s Interest in Real Estate   1c. Percentage of Grantor’s Interest Conveyed
             $                                                                                                %                                                        %
       2. Fill in the Appropriate Oval Below for Exemption Claimed.
               Will or intestate succession. 
                                                                                                  (Name of Decedent)                                                           (Estate File Number) 
               Transfer to a trust. (Attach complete copy of trust agreement and all amendments.) 
               Transfer from a trust. (Attach complete copy of trust agreement and all amendments.) 
               Transfer between principal and agent/straw party. (Attach complete copy of agency/straw party agreement.) 
               Transfers to the commonwealth, the U.S. and instrumentalities by gift, dedication, condemnation or in lieu of condemnation. 
               (If condemnation or in lieu of condemnation, attach copy of resolution.) 
               Transfer from mortgagor to a holder of a mortgage in default. (Attach copy of mortgage and note/assignment.) 
               Corrective or confirmatory deed. (Attach complete copy of the deed to be corrected or confirmed.) 
               Statutory corporate consolidation, merger or division. (Attach copy of articles.) 
               Other (Provide a detailed explanation of exemption claimed. If more space is needed attach additional sheets.)

       SECTION V                 CORRESPONDENT INFORMATION - All inquiries may be directed to the following person:
       Name                                                                                                                               Telephone Number

       Mailing Address                                                          City                                                     State  ZIP Code

      Under penalties of law, I declare that I have examined this statement, including accompanying information, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete.
      Signature of Correspondent  or Responsible Party                                                                                   Date  MM/DD/YYYY
                                                                   PLEASE SIGN AFTER PRINTING

                                       1830019105                                                                     1830019105

      Reset Entire Form          TOP OF PAGE                            PAGE 1                                        NEXT PAGE                                        PRINT

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                                                                                               Pennsylvania Department of Revenue 

                                                                                               Instructions for REV-183 
rev-183 In (ex) 06-19                                                                                realty Transfer T axst tame en oft  aluev

                                                                                         5.    Common Level  Ratio Factor            Enter the common 
                        GENERAL INFORMATION
                                                                                               level ratio factor for the county in which the real estate 
Complete each section and file in duplicate with the                                           is located.  An explanation of this factor is provided 
Recorder of Deeds when (1) the full value/consideration is                                     below. 
not set forth in the deed, (2) the deed is without considera-                            6.    Computed  ValueEnter the product of Lines 4 and 5 . 
tion or by gift, or (3) a tax exemption is claimed. If more 
space is needed, please attach additional sheets.  A 
                                                                                                             SECTION IV
Statement of Value (SOV) is not required if the transfer is                                                                                              
wholly exempt from tax based on family relationship or 
                                                                                         Complete only for transactions claiming an exemption. For 
public utility easement. However, it is recommended that a 
                                                                                         exemptions refer to Title 61 §91.193 of the Pennsylvania 
SOV accompany all documents filed for recording.   

                        LINE INSTRUCTIONS                                                1a.   Amount of Exemption Claimed             – Enter the dollar  
                                                                                               amount of the value claimed as exempt. 
                        SECTION I                                                                                                                     
                                                                                         1b.   Percentage of Grantor’s Interest in Real Estate
                                                                                               Enter the percentage of grantor’s ownership interest in 
Date of Acceptance – Enter the date the document was  
                                                                                               the real estate listed in Section II. 
delivered to and accepted by the grantee/lessee.  
Enter the full names and addresses of all grantor(s)/                                    1c.   Percentage of Grantor’s   Interest Conveyed       Enter 
lessor(s) and all grantee(s)/lessee(s).  Attach additional                                     the fraction or percentage of grantor’s interest in the 
sheets if necessary.                                                                           real estate on Line 1b that the grantor conveyed to the 
                                                                                               grantee. For example, if you indicated on Line 1b that 
                        SECTION II                                                             grantor owns a 50 percent tenant-in-common interest 
                                                                                               in the real estate and grantor is conveying his entire 50 
This section identifies the real estate to be transferred.                                     percent interest to the grantee, then you would enter 
Complete fully, including the tax parcel number where                                          100 percent on this line. 
applicable and the county where the statement is to be 
filed.                                                                                   2.    Fill in the Appropriate Oval for Exemption Claimed
                                                                                               Ovals are provided for the most common Pennsylvania         
                                                                                               realty exemptions. Each is explained in order of 
                        SECTION III
                                                                                               appearance on the Realty Transfer Statement of Value 
Indicate by filling in    YES or NO, whether the document                                      form. 
represents two or more transactions accomplished by an 
assignment of the agreement of sale or by the use of a                                   Will or Intestate Succession – A transfer by will for no or  
relocation arrangement. Complete for all transactions:                                   nominal consideration, or under the intestate succession 
                                                                                         laws, is exempt from tax. Provide the name of the decedent 
1.     Actual Cash Consideration Enter the amount of 
                                                                                         and estate file number in the space provided. 
       cash or cash equivalent that the grantor received for 
       the transfer of the real estate.                                                  Transfer to  a Trust   A transfer for no or nominal  
2.     Other Consideration – Enter the total amount of                                   consideration to a trust is exempt from tax when the 
       noncash consideration that the grantor received for the                           transfer of the same property would be exempt from tax if 
       transfer of the real estate, such as property and                                 the transfer were made directly by the grantor to all the 
       securities. Include mortgages and liens existing before                           possible (including contingent) beneficiaries.  Attach a 
       the transfer and not removed thereby, and the agreed                              complete copy of the trust agreement and identify the 
       consideration for the construction of improvements.                               grantor’s relationship to each beneficiary. 
3.     Total Consideration – Enter the sum of Lines 1 and 2. 
                                                                                         Transfer from   a TrustAttach a complete copy of the 
       This will be the total consideration for the purchase of 
                                                                                         original trust and all amendments to the trust. 
       the real estate. 
4.     County Assessed     Value                            Enter the actual assessed  Transfer Between Principal      and Agent/Straw Party        A  
       value of the entire real estate, per records of the county                        transfer between an agent/straw party and principal for no 
       assessment office. Do not reduce the assessed value                               or nominal consideration is exempt.  Attach a complete 
       by the grantor’s fractional interest in the real estate.                          copy of the agency/straw party agreement. 

www.revenue.pa.gov                                                                                                                     REV-183          1
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Transfer to the Commonwealth, the U.S. and                   Attach a copy of the articles of consolidation, merger or 
Instrumentalities by Gift, Dedication, Condemnation or       division. 
in Lieu of Condemnation         – If the transfer is by      Other   – When claiming an exemption other than those 
condemnation or in lieu of condemnation, attach a copy of    listed, you must specify what exemption is claimed. When 
the resolution.                                              possible, provide the applicable statutory and regulatory 
Transfer from Mortgagor to Holder of a Mortgage in           citation.  Attach additional pages, if necessary.  Attach a 
                                                             copy of supporting documentation. 
Default    A transfer from a mortgagor to a holder of a 
mortgage in default, whether pursuant to a foreclosure or in 
                                                                       SECTION V
lieu thereof, is exempt. Provide a copy of the mortgage and                                                        
note, and any documentation evidencing the assignment        Enter the name, address and telephone number of party 
thereof.                                                     completing this form. 
Corrective or Confirmatory Deed –  A deed for no or 
nominal consideration that corrects or confirms a previously COMMON LEVEL RATIO FACTOR 
recorded deed but does not extend or limit the title or      This is a property valuation factor provided by the PA 
interest under the prior deed is exempt from tax. Attach a   Department of Revenue by which the county assessed 
complete copy of the prior deed being corrected or           value is multiplied to determine the taxable value of real 
confirmed.                                                   estate for all non-arm’s-length transactions, leases and 
                                                             acquired companies. The factor is based on the common 
Statutory Corporate Consolidation, Merger or Division        level ratio established by the State Tax Equalization Board. 
–  A document that evidences the transfer of real estate     The common level ratio is a ratio of assessed values to 
pursuant to the statutory consolidation or merger of two or  current fair market values as reflected by actual sales of 
more corporations (15 Pa. C.S. §1921-1932 or 15 Pa. C.S.     real estate in each county. A statewide list of the factors is 
§5921-5930)  – or the statutory division of a nonprofit      available at the Recorder of Deeds’ office in each county 
corporation (15 Pa. C.S. §5951-5957) – is exempt from tax.   and on the department’s website at www.revenue.pa.gov


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