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                                         Instructions for Form REV-1500
REV-1500 EX (01-16)                           Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax Return Resident Decedent

     Important. All legal sized property of the decedent that the      Or email the request to:
     documents must be reduced to personal representative has or RA-InheritanceTaxExt@pa.gov
8 1/2 x 11 paper.                        acquires knowledge of, or;  
                                                                           Extensions will be granted for events be-
                                         The transferee of property. The  yond the control of the estate such as
GENERAL INFORMATIONtransferee of property should file alitigation over assets and will disputes.
                                         return if:  no personal representa-Extensions are not granted for events
STATUTES AND                             tive is appointed, if the personalwithin the control of the estate such as
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONSrepresentative does not file a re-a failure to collect the information
Pennsylvania inheritance tax is imposedturn, or if the personal representa-needed to complete the return. A re-
by the Inheritance and Estate Tax Act oftive files a return but does notsponse will not be sent unless the exten-
1991, which applies to estates of dece-include the subject property. sion request is rejected.
dents who died on or after Oct. 3, 1991.A “transferee” means any person to     Important.Granting of an 
The 1991 Act [72 P.S. § 9101 et seq.]whom a transfer is made and includesextension to file does not relieve
was amended in 1994, for estates surviving joint tenants, beneficiaries,the estate from the payment of tax. 
of decedents who died on or after heirs, legatees, devisees, grantees, as-Interest will accrue beginning nine
July 1, 1994 and again in 1995 for signees and donees. The return mustmonths and one day from the dece-
estates of decedents who died on ordisclose any asset in which or fromdent’s death on any tax ultimately found
after Jan. 1, 1995. The PA Inheritancewhich the transferee receives any own-to be due and not timely paid.  
Tax was previously imposed by the In-ership, interest, income, possession or
heritance and Estate Tax Act of 1961,enjoyment, whether present or future,WHERE TO FILE
which applies to estates of decedentsand whether in trust or otherwise. Sep-The return is to be filed in duplicate with
who died between Jan. 1, 1962, andarate returns are not to be filed bythe Register of Wills of the county in
Dec. 13, 1982. The law was amended bytransferees for property included in awhich the decedent was a resident at
Act 255 of 1982, which applies only topersonal representative’s return. The in-the time of death.  
estates of decedents who died betweenclusion of property in the return does
Dec. 13, 1982, and Oct. 3, 1991. Infor-not constitute an admission that its
mation on applicability of inheritance taxtransfer is taxable.             FORMS AND SCHEDULES
                                                                           Forms and schedules are available on
to estates of decedents who died beforeWHEN TO FILE                        the department’s website at 
Jan. 1, 1962, can be obtained from the
Department of Revenue, Bureau of In-File as soon as possible after the dece-www.revenue.pa.gov                   or by 
dividual Taxes.                      dent’s death, but not later than ninecalling 1-800-362-2050. Services for
                                     months from the decedent’s death. Fail-people with special hearing and/or
Inheritance tax is a tax on the right ofure to file may subject the estate to speaking needs are available at 
succession or privilege of receivingpercenta penaltyof theof 25tax ulti-   1-800-447-3020. 
property at a death, and it is imposedmately found to be due or $1,000,
upon the transfer of taxable property.whichever is less.                   Large quantities of forms must be 
                                                                           ordered by written request from:  
The net value subject to tax is deter-EXTENSION TO FILE
mined by subtracting from the value of                                          PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
                                     If the return cannot be filed within nine
the gross estate the amount of ap-                                         BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATIVE
                                     months from the decedent’s date of
proved deductions.                                                         SERVICES
                                     death, an extension to file may be re-
                                     quested from the Department of Rev-TAX FORMS SERVICES UNIT
WHO MUST FILE                        enue. Provide the decedent’s name,1854 BROOKWOOD STREET
An inheritance tax return must be filedcounty file number (if known), date ofAHARRISBURG17104-2244P
for every decedent who has propertydeath, Social Security number and the
which is or may be subject to tax. Youreason for an extension. The extensionA list of schedules and a brief descrip-
must file a return if you are:request must be made before the returntion can be found on Page 7.
                                     is due, and should be mailed to:
    The personal representative. The                                      TAXABLE PROPERTY
    personal representative  (executor      PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUEIn general, any items the decedent
    or administrator appointed by theBUREAU OF INDIVIDUAL TAXESowned solely, as tenant-in-common,
    Register of Wills) of the decedent’sINHERITANCE TAX DIVISION-EXTjointly or in trust are taxable unless
    estate is the person responsible forPO BOX 280601                      specifically excluded by law. For 
    filing the return and disclosing HARRISBURG PA 17128-0601additional information see instructions

www.revenue.pa.gov                                                                                 REV-15001

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for Schedules A, B, C, D, E, F and G forparent, adoptive parent or stepparentAny supplemental information which the
descriptions of taxable property.are subject to a zero tax rate. estate representative considers confi-
                                                                         dential should be submitted directly to:
VALUATION                          Lineal Tax Rate: 4.5 percent
                                                                               PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
Generally, valuation is based on the fairThe lineal tax rate is applicable for trans-BUREAU OF INDIVIDUAL TAXES
market value as of the decedent’s datefers to: Grandfather, grandmother, PO BOX 280601
of death. Special rules apply to the 
                                   father, mother, children, un-remarriedAHARRISBURG17128-0601 P
valuation of life estates and future inter-
                                   wife and husband or widower of a child,
ests created by a decedent. See the in-                                  Include a statement that the documents
structions for Schedules K nd M for moreand lineal descendants. “Children” are not part of the public record. Confi-
information.                       includes natural children whether or notdential documents need not be attached
                                   they have been adopted by others,to the return filed with the Register 
For estates of decedents dying on oradopted children and stepchildren.   of Wills.
after Jan. 1, 1995, special rules exist for
                                   “Lineal descendants” includes all chil-
the valuation of a trust established for                                 FILING A FALSE RETURN
                                   dren of the natural parents and their de-
the sole use of the surviving spouse.                                    Any person who willfully makes a false
See the instructions for Schedule O forscendants, whether or not they havereturn or report commits a misde-
further information.               been adopted by others, adopted de-meanor of the third degree.
                                   scendants and their descendants, and
                                                                         PAYMENT OF TAX
Special rules also apply to the valuationstep descendants. 
of farmland. See the instructions for                                    Tax on property transfered is due within
Schedule A for further information con-Sibling Tax Rate: 12 percentnine months of the decedent’s death. 
cerning the special farm use valuationThe sibling tax rate is applicable forantingImportant.of anThe gr
and agriculture exemptions. transfers to: Brothers or half-brothers,extension to file the tax return
It is important to note that Pennsylvaniasisters or half-sisters; persons having atdoes not extend the time for payment of
does not have a six-month alternate val-least one parent in common with thethe tax ultimately found to be due. 
uation date similar to that found in thedecedent, either by blood or by adop-A 5 percent discount is allowed on the
Internal Revenue Code.tion. Transfers between stepsiblings aretax paid within three months of                           the
DEDUCTIONS                         subject to tax at the collateral rate.decedent’s death. No discount applies to
                                                                         any amount that may be subsequently
Funeral expenses, administrative costsCollateral Tax Rate: 15 percent    refunded.  
and debts owed by the decedent at theThe collateral tax rate is applicable forThe discount is capped at 5 percent of
time of death are deductions allowed
                                   transfers to all other beneficiaries. This
against the inheritance tax liability. See                               the total tax due. In order to calculate 
the instructions for Schedules H andincludesI  but is not limited to transfersdiscount amount:
for descriptions of allowable deductions.to or for the benefit of aunts, uncles,    If an underpayment was made, 
                                   cousins, nieces, nephews, friends, divide the payment made by 0.95.
                                   sister-in-law, brother-in-law, pets and
TAX RATES                                                                            Example:        tax due is $150, a 
                                   organizations not classified as a charity. payment made in the discount 
The law in effect at the date of death is                                            period is $100; $100.00/0.95 =
what governs the tax rate.  The follow-Charitable Bequests                           $105.26 is the total of the payment
ing information is based on a date ofTransfers to exempt charitable organiza-and discount.
death on or after July 1, 2000.    tions, exempt institutions and govern-    If the correct amount or overpay-
Spousal Tax Rate: 0 percentment entities are exempt from tax. ment was made, multiply the total
Any asset passing to a decedent’s                                                    tax due by 5 percent to calculate
spouse is taxed at 0               DOCUMENTATIONpercent. No    REQUIREMENT           discount. Example: total tax due is
common-law marriage contracted after                                                 $200; $200x0.05 = $10 is the dis-
                                   If the decedent died testate or had
Jan. 1, 2005 shall be valid. Common-law                                              count amount. 
marriages otherwise lawful and con-maintained an inter-vivos (living) trust,
tracted on or before Jan. 1, 2005 willabecopy of the will and/or trust document         Important.All checks must be
                                                                                        made payable to “Register of
recognized when proved with sufficientmust be submitted with the return. Wills, Agent” and presented to the 
evidence of its existence. If satisfactoryAdditional verification or documentationRegister of Wills of the county where the
evidence of the common-law marriageon certain assets or deductions may bedecedent resided. 
does not exist or the contract came intorequired by the Department of Revenue
                                                                         The commonwealth places no limitation
existence after Jan. 1, 2005 transfers toto complete the review of this form. Theon tax liability until a proper and 
the surviving common-law spouse areDepartment will request by letter, complete return is made and the 
taxable at the collateral, or 15 percenttelephone, or e-mail the informationreturn is assessed by the Department 
rate.                              needed. Failure to provide the        of Revenue.
Minor Child’s Estate: 0 percent    information will result in a delay of the            Note.A prepayment of tax 
Transfers from the estate of a child ageprocessing of the return, or in the is-may be made at the Register of
21 or younger to the child’s natural suance of an unfavorable assessment. Wills before the REV-1500 is filed. In
2                                                                                              www.revenue.pa.gov

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writing, supply the Register with theImportant.Depending on the      “Administrative Corrections” below on
decedent’s full name, date of death  complexity of the return,       how to request ananadministrative correc-
and social security number along withassessment may           taketion.threeIf there is antoerrorsix  contained in an
the prepayment.                      months from the date it was filed withassessed return that must be resolved
                                     the Register of Wills. see “Administrative Corrections” or
                                                                     “Protest, Notice or Appeal”. It is impor-
Interest is charged beginning with   REFUND
                                                                     tant to note that it is not possible to file
the first day of delinquency, or If tax is overpaid when the return isan amended inheritance tax return.
nine months and one day from         filed, a refund may             Whenbe requestedthe valuebyof an asset or deduction
the date of death, to the date of pay-placing a check mark in the “Refund Re-has been established by assessment no-
ment. The applicable interest ratesquested” oval on Line 20 of the return.tice from the department, any discrep-
(REV-1611) can be found by visitingIf this oval is checked, the estate is notancy must be resolved either through
the department’s online services atrequired to submit a separate applica-the refund process or through the ap-
www.revenue.pa.gov. tion for refund. The department will             peal process. 
                                     issue a refund check approximately six
An interest and penalty weeks after the return processing isADMINISTRATIVE CORRECTIONS
calculator is available at completed. If the refund oval on Line 20Obvious factual errors discovered on the
www.doreservices.state.pa.us.of the return was not checked when theassessment may be corrected adminis-
FAILURE TO PAY                       tax return was filed, an “Application fortratively. Examples of correctable errors
The tax imposed, together with any in-Refund of Pennsylvania Inheritance/Es-include those made by the transposing
terest thereon, constitute a lien upontate Tax” (REV-1313) must be filed toof figures, mathematical errors, miscal-
real property, which remains in effectrequest a refund of an existing tax creditculations and obvious duplication of as-
                                     reflected on an official assessment no-
until the tax and interest are paid in full.                         sets. The estate must report such errors
                                     tice. Refund applications should be di-
There is no statute of limitations for col-                          to the Department of Revenue by a let-
                                     rected to:
lection of inheritance tax.                                          ter which identifies the alleged error and
                                           PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUEthe proposed correction. Any documen-
PETITION FOR CITATION                                                tation which supports the need for an
                                     BUREAU OF INDIVIDUAL TAXES
The law provides for the filing of a cita-INHERITANCE TAX DIVISION-REFadjustment to the record must be sub-
tion with the Court of Common Pleas,PO BOX 280601                    mitted. Requests for administrative cor-
Orphans’ Court Division, to compel theHARRISBURG PA 17128-0601rection should be directed to:
filing of the tax return or the payment of
                                                                           PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
tax. It may be directed to the personalThe application for refund period is threeBUREAU OF INDIVIDUAL TAXES
representative or transferee and mayyears. (See Section 9181(d) of the 1991POST ASSESSMENT REVIEW UNIT
commence nine months after the dateAct, as amended by Act 7 of 1997).PO BOX 280601
of death. The citation process may result
in an order directing filing and payment,Should you believe that a refund is dueHARRISBURG PA 17128-0601
a contempt citation, and ultimately, ad-as the result of an issue which had notAll other errors must be resolved in 
ditional fines and imprisonment for fail-previously been raised, and where theaccordance with guidelines outlined in
ure to comply with the requirements ofstatutory appeal provisions of Sectionthe Protest, Notice or Appeal section.
the Inheritance and Estate Tax Act. See9186(a) of the 1991 Act, as amended,
Section 9176 of the Act of August 4,have expired, a petition for refund mayThe Pennsylvania Department of Rev-
1991, P.L. 97, No. 22 (72 P.S. §9176).be filed with the Board of Appeals enue has a Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate
                                     provided that all tax, penalty and inter-who assists taxpayers with PA personal
APPRAISEMENT, ALLOWANCE ORest assessed were paid in full. Visitincome tax and PA inheritance tax prob-
DISALLOWANCE OF DEDUCTIONSwww.boardofappeals.state.pa.us forlems and concerns that have not been
AND ASSESSMENT OF TAXmore information.                               resolved through normal administrative
After a return is filed, the Department of                           procedures. It is the advocate’s respon-
                                     SUPPLEMENTAL RETURN
Revenue issues a notice setting forth its                            sibility to ensure that the department
valuation of the estate assets, allowableA personal representative or transfereeprovides equitable treatment with dig-
deductions and inheritance tax due. who acquires knowledge of additionalnity and respect. 
                                     assets, transfers or deductions at any
Notice of potential tax liabilities basedtime after the original return has beenTo contact the Taxpayers’ Rights 
on jointly held assets, trust assets, orfiled must promptly file a supplementalAdvocate, call 717-772-9347 or write
non-probate property are identified  return. The supplemental return shouldto:
through the use of an eight digit numberinclude only the additional assets, trans-      PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
beginning with the two digits fers or deductions.                          TAXPAYERS’ RIGHTS ADVOCATE
representing the year in which the                                         LOBBY STRAWBERRY SQUARE
notice is originally issued. For example,Do not repeat any assets or de-
                                     ductions reported on an originalHARRISBURG PA 17128
all notices issued in 2012 will be 
                                     return or prior supplemental return.
numbered 12000001, 12000002, etc.                                    PROTEST, NOTICE OR APPEAL
Further information concerning the A supplemental return may not be usedAny party in not satisfied with the ap-
ACN system may be obtained by con-to adjust or correct a previously filed re-praisement, allowance or disallowance
tacting the Inheritance Tax Division at turn. If a correction is needed for anof deductions, assessment of tax (in-
717-787-8327.                        asset that was reported on a return, seecluding discount or interest) or any
www.revenue.pa.gov                                                                                 REV-15003

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other matter relating to the tax imposedDecedent’s SpouseDecedent Maintained a Living Trust
may object by taking any of the follow-If applicable, enter the decedent’sFill in the oval if the decedent, during his
ing actions within 60 days of receipt ofspouse's last name, first name, middleor her lifetime, transferred property to a
the notice to which objection is made:initial.                            trust and retained or reserved an inter-
(a) File a written protest specifying all                                 est or a power of appointment. A copy
objections with:                     FILL IN THE APPLICABLE OVALSof the instrument must be attached to
                                                                          the return when it is filed.
      PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUEOriginal Return 
  BOARD OF APPEALS Fill in the oval if this is the first returnTotal Number of Safe 
  PO BOX 281021                      filed for an estate and no other assetDeposit Boxes
  HARRISBURG PA 17128-1021or deduction has been previously Enter the number of safe deposit boxes
                                     submitted.                           held by a decedent alone or jointly (ex-
The Board of Appeals does not accept
                                                                          cept with a surviving spouse) that must
facsimile or fax copies of petition forms.Supplemental Return
                                                                          be inventoried. See REV-584, PA Inher-
(b) File an appeal or intent to appeal Fill in the oval if the return is being fileditance Tax & Safety Deposit Boxes
online through the Revenue e-Servicesto report additional assets or deductionsbrochure and REV-485, Safe Deposit
Center at www.revenue.state.pa.us.not reported on a prior return.Box inventory, for more information.
(c) Notify the Register of Wills in writingRemainder Return               Litigation Proceeds Received
that you elect to have the correctness ofFill in the oval to report a future interestFill in the oval if the estate received pro-
the department’s action determined atunder a prior limited estate. This oval isceeds of litigation more than nine
the audit of the account of the personalonly applicable for dates of death priormonths from the date of death.
representative. A copy of this electionto Dec. 13, 1982.  
must be sent to:                                                          Non-Probate Transferee Return
                                     Agriculture Exemption
                                                                          Fill in the oval if the estate is only 
      PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUEFill in the oval to indicate that the dece-reporting assets listed on REV-1509,
  OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNSELdent owned real estate that qualifies forSchedule F and REV-1510, Schedule G.    
  PO BOX 281061                      an Agricultural Exemption passed by 
  HARRISBURG PA 17128-1061Act 85 of 2012 for dates of death on orDeferral/Election of Spousal Trusts 
(d) File an appeal to the Court of Com-after July 1, 2012.                Fill in the oval if the decedent created a
                                                                          trust or other similar arrangement which
mon Pleas, Orphans’ Court Division to       Note.If this oval is checked, 
                                                                          qualifies as a sole use trust. The estate
have the correctness of the depart-you must complete REV-1197,
                                                                          may choose to defer the tax or elect to
ment’s action determined at the “auditSchedule AU.
of the account” of the personal repre-                                    tax the trust or other similar arrange-
sentative or at such time as the courtFuture Interest Compromisement in this estate.  
shall fix. A copy of the appeal must beFill in this oval to request a compromiseNote.If this oval is checked 
sent to:                             if the rate of tax which will be applicableyou must complete REV-1649, 
      PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE       when a future interest vests cannot  Schedule O.
  OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNSELbe established with certainty. This 
  PO BOX 281061                      block is applicable only for estatesBusiness Assets
  HARRISBURG PA 17128-1061 where the decedent died on or after Fill in the oval if the decedent owned any
                                     Dec. 13, 1982.                       business interests, including a sole-pro-
                                                                          prietorship held by the decedent. 
      COMPLETING THENote. If this oval is checked, 
                                            you must complete REV-1647,         Note.If the business interest
                                     Schedule M.                                qualifies for the small business
                                                                          exemption passed by Act 52 of 2013,
             PAGE 1                  Federal Estate Tax 
                                                                          you must complete REV-571, Schedule
                                     Return Required
DECEDENT INFORMATION                                                      C-SB. 
                                     Fill in the oval if the total assets re-
Decedent’s Social Security Numberportable to the Internal Revenue ServiceSpouse is Sole Beneficiary 
Enter the nine-digit Social Securityrequire that a federal estate tax return(No Trusts Involved)
number of the decedent.be filed. A copy of the federal returnFill in the oval if the estate has taxable
Date of Death                        (Form 706) must be filed with the De-assets that pass outright to the surviv-
Enter the month, day and year of thepartment of Revenue through the Reg-ing spouse either through the will, intes-
decedent’s death.                    ister of Wills office within one month oftacy or as designated beneficiary.  This
                                     the filing of the federal return.oval does not include assets passing to
Date of Birth                                                             a trust or other similar arrangement. 
                                     Decedent Died Testate
Enter the month, day and year of the
decedent’s birth.                    Fill in the oval if the decedent died hav-CORRESPONDENT
                                     ing a valid will which has been submittedAll requests for information and docu-
Decedent’s Name                      to the Register of Wills for probate. Amentation from the department, includ-
Enter decedent’s last name, first namecopy of the will must be attached to theing the tax assessment will be
and middle initial.                  return when it is filed. forwarded to this individual.
4                                                                                    www.revenue.pa.gov

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Name                                REV-1504 Schedule C on Line 3 of the
                                                                                LINE 7
Enter the first name and last name  REV-1500.  
of the personal representative of If you are not required to complete Inter-Vivos Transfers & Miscella-
the estate.                                                          neous Non-Probate Property
                                    REV-1504 Schedule C, leave Line 3 of
Phone Number                        the REV-1500 blank.   (Schedule G)
Enter the daytime telephone number                                   If you are required to complete 
for the personal representative of                                   REV-1510 Schedule G, include the
                                                LINE 4
the estate.                                                          amount from the Total line of REV-1510
                                                                     Schedule G on Line 7 of the 
Address                             Mortgages and Notes Receivable   REV-1500.  
Enter the complete address of the per-(Schedule D)
                                                                     If you are not required to complete 
sonal representative of the estate. If you are required to complete 
                                                                     REV-1510 Schedule G, leave Line 7 of
Email Address                       REV-1507 Schedule D, include the
                                                                     the REV-1500 blank.
                                    amount from the Total line of REV-1507
Enter the email address of the personal
                                    Schedule D Line 4 of the REV-1500.  Important.The Separate Billing
representative of the estate. 
                                                                        Requested oval must be checked
                                    If you are not required to complete to request the department to issue a
                                    REV-1507 Schedule D, leave Line 4 of
           PAGE 2                                                    separate tax notice for tax due on trans-
                                    the REV-1500 blank.  fers directly to the surviving owner. All
Decedent’s Social Security Number                                    information requested on REV-1510,
Enter the nine-digit Social Security            LINE 5               Schedule G must be completed, includ-
number of the decedent.                                              ing the surviving joint owner’s address,
                                    Cash, Bank Deposits and in order for the department to issue 
   LINE INSTRUCTIONSMiscellaneous Personal Propertya notice. Do not include amount to 
                                    (Schedule E)                     be billed separately on Line 7 of the
RECAPITULATION                      If you are required to complete  REV-1500.
                                    REV-1508 Schedule E, include the
           LINE 1                   amount from the Total line of LINE 8
                                    REV-1508 Schedule E on Line 5 of the
Real Estate (Schedule A)REV-1500.                                    Total Gross Assets
                                                                     Add all assets shown on Lines 1 through
If you are required to complete If you are not required to complete 
                                                                     7 together and enter the total value here
REV-1502 Schedule A, include theREV-1508 Schedule E, leave Line 5 of
                                                                     on Line 8 of the REV-1500. 
amount from the Total line of the REV-1500 blank.  
REV-1502 Schedule A on Line 1 of the
REV-1500.                                                                       LINE 9
                                                LINE 6
If you are not required to complete 
REV-1502 Schedule A, leave Line 1 of                                 Funeral Expenses and 
the REV-1500 blank.  Jointly Owned Property Administrative Costs (Schedule H)
                                    (Schedule F)                     If you are required to complete 
                                    If you are required to complete REV-1511 Schedule H, include the
           LINE 2
                                    REV-1509 Schedule F, include theamount from the Total line of 
Stocks and Bonds (Schedule B)amount from the Total line of REV-1511 Schedule H on Line 9 of the
                                    REV-1509 Schedule F on Line 6 of theREV-1500.
If you are required to complete 
REV-1503 Schedule B, include the                                     If you are not required to complete 
amount from the total line of If you are not required to complete REV-1511 Schedule H, leave Line 9 of
REV-1503 Schedule B on Line 2 of theREV-1509 Schedule F, leave Line 6 ofthe REV-1500 blank.  
REV-1500.                           the REV-1500 blank.  
If you are not required to complete    Important.The Separate Billing           LINE 10
REV-1503 Schedule B, leave Line 2 ofRequested oval must be checked
the REV-1500 blank.   to request the department to issue aDebts of Decedent, Mortgage 
                                                                     Liabilities and Liens (Schedule I)
                                    separate tax notice for tax due on jointly
                                    owned assets directly to the survivingIf you are required to complete 
           LINE 3
                                    owner.  All information requested onREV-1512 Schedule I, include 
Closely Held Corporation, REV-1509, Schedule F must be com-the amount from the Total line of 
Partnership or Sole-Proprietorshippleted, including the surviving jointREV-1512 Schedule I on Line 10 of
(Schedule C)                        owner’s address, in order for the the REV-1500.  
If you are required to complete Department to issue a notice. Do not If you are not required to complete 
REV-1504 Schedule C, include theinclude amount to be billed separatelyREV-1512 Schedule I, leave Line 10 of
amount from the Total line of on Line 6 of the REV-1500.the REV-1500 blank.  
www.revenue.pa.gov                                                                   REV-15005

- 6 -
                                                                              If the estate representative(s) secured
             LINE 11                                  LINE 16
                                                                              help in preparing the return, the pre-
                                                                              parer must complete their signature,
Total Deductions                     Amount of Line 14 Taxable at the
                                                                              address and date the return.
Add all deductions shown on Lines 9  lineal rate
through 10 together and enter the totalCalculate the amount from Line 14 sub-
value here on Line 11 of the         ject to tax at the lineal rate and enter              PAGE 3
REV-1500.                            the total value on Line 16 of the Decedent’s Complete Address
                                                                              Fill in the complete address where the
             LINE 12                                                          decedent resided on the date of death.
                                                      LINE 17
Net Value of Estate                                                           TAX PAYMENTS AND CREDITS
Subtract Line 11 total deductions fromAmount of Line 14 Taxable at the
Line 8 total gross assets and enter totalsibling rate                                      LINE 1

net value of estate here on Line 12 ofCalculate the amount from Line 14       Tax Due
the REV-1500.                        subject to tax at the sibling rate andFill in the amount from Line 19, Page 2
                                     enter the total value on Line 17 of theon Line 1 of the REV-1500. 
             LINE 13                 REV-1500.
                                                                                           LINE 2 
Charitable and Governmental LINE 18
Bequests/Sec. 9113 Trusts for                                                 Credits/Payments
which an election to tax has notAmount of Line 14 Taxable at thePrior Payments - Enter any prior 
been made (Schedule J)collateral rate                                         payments made with the Register 
If you are required to complete Calculate the amount from Line 14 of Wills on account on Line A of the 
REV-1513 Schedule J, Section II, includesubject to tax at the collateral rate andREV-1500.  
the amount from the Total line of alueenteron Linethe total18 ofvthe
                                                                              Discounts – if you made a payment
REV-1513 Schedule J, Section II, onREV-1500.                                  within three months of the date of
Line 13 of the REV-1500.                                                      death, calculate the discount (see Pay-
If you are not required to completeLINE 19                                    ment of Tax) and enter on Line B of the
REV-1513 Schedule J, Section II, leave                                        REV-1500.
Line 13 of the REV-1500 blank.       Tax Due
                                                                              Enter the total of Line A and Line B on
                                     Add the amount from Lines 15 throughLine 2 of the REV-1500.  
     Important. Do not include any18 and enter the total value on Line 19
     amount passing outright toof the REV-1500.
spouse in Section II.                                                                      LINE 3

                                                      LINE 20                 Interest
             LINE 14
                                                                              Calculate any interest that may be due
                                     Fill in the oval if you are request-do to late filing (see Payment of Tax).
Net Value Subject to Taxing a refund of an overpayment
Subtract Line 13 Charitable and Govern-Fill in the oval if an overpayment 
                                                                                           LINE 4
mental Bequests/Sec. 9113 Trusts forhas been made and you are requesting
which an election to tax has not beena refund.                                Overpayment
made from Line 12 net value of Estate
and enter total net value subject to taxSignatures                            If Line 2 is greater than Line 1 + Line 3,
on Line 14 of the REV-1500.When the return is complete and con-enter the difference on Line 4 of the
                                     tains all necessary schedules, the per-REV-1500. Fill in oval on Page 2, 
TAX CALCULATIONson(s) responsible for filing must sign,Requesting a Refund for Overpayment.
                                     address and date the return. If there is
             LINE 15                 no personal representative, every per-                LINE 5
                                     son in actual or constructive possession
Amount of Line 14 Taxable at theof any property of the decedent is con-Tax Due
spousal rate, or transfers undersidered, by law, a fiduciary for the pur-If Line 1 + Line 3 is greater than Line 2,
Sec. 9116(a)(1.2)                    poses of the tax and must file a return.enter the difference on Line 5 of the
Calculate the amount from Line 14         Caution.Those signing the re-
subject to tax at the spousal rate and    turn are legally responsible andQuestions
enter the total value on Line 15 of themay incur liability for erroneous, false orPlease answer yes or no to Questions 1
REV-1500.                            fraudulent returns.                      through 4.
6                                                                                          www.revenue.pa.gov

- 7 -
    Note.If you answer yes to any Schedule G, REV-1510 – question to a customer service repre-
    of these questions you must     Inter-Vivos Transfers & Misc. sentative.
complete REV-1510, Schedule G. Non-Probate Property
                                                                  Internet: www.revenue.pa.gov
                                    Report all transfers made by decedent
                                    during life, by trust or otherwise, to thePennsylvania inheritance tax forms,
                                    extent that they were made withoutschedules, brochures and other informa-
    Important. Attach only appro-valuable and adequate consideration intion are available on the department’s
    priate schedules based upon     money or money’s worth at the timewebsite.of
the assets and debts and deductionstheoftransfer.                 Email Requests for forms: 
your particular estate. Do not submitSchedule H, REV-1511 – Funeralra-forms@pa.gov
blank schedules.                    Expenses and Administrative Costs
                                                                  TELEPHONE SERVICES
Schedule A, REV-1502 – Report any expenses incurred by admin-
                                                                  Taxpayer Service and 
Real Estate                         istering the estate.  
                                                                  Information Center
Report all Pennsylvania real estate Schedule I, REV-1512 – Debts
held by the decedent solely or as                                 Call 717-787-8327 for Pennsylvania in-
                                    Report all valid debts of the decedent
tenant-in-common.                                                 heritance tax help during normal busi-
                                    owed at the time of death including all
                                                                  ness hours, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Schedule AU, REV-1197 – mortgages and liens on real estate.  
Agricultural Use Exemptions                                       Services for Taxpayers with 
                                    Schedule J, REV-1513 - 
Report a claim for an exemption for realBeneficiaries             Special Hearing and/or 
estate pursuant to either the “business                           Speaking Needs: 
                                    Report all beneficiaries and their rela-
of agriculture” exemption or the                                  1-800-447-3020 (TTY)
                                    tionship to the decedent.   
“farmland-other” exemption under Act
85 of 2012.                         Schedule K, REV-1514 – Life Language Services
                                    Estate, Annuity and Term Certain
Schedule B, REV-1502 –                                            Non-English-speaking taxpayers can re-
Stocks and Bonds                    Report all presently vested life estate,ceive assistance from the department
                                    annuities and terms certain created bythrough an interpretation service.
Report all stocks and bonds held by thethe decedent for which valuations must
decedent solely or as tenant-in-be actuarially determined.
                                    Schedule M, REV-1647 – 
Schedule C, REV-1504 – Future Interest Compromise
Closely-Held Corporation or Sole
                                    Report all future interests where the rate
                                    of tax that will be applicable when the
Report all business interests, including future interest vests in possession and
a sole       proprietorship held by the enjoyment cannot be established with
decedent.                           certainty.  
Schedule C-SB, REV-571 – Schedule O, REV-1649 –
Small Business ExemptionDeferral/Election of Spousal Trusts
Report a business interest for which youReport all sole use trusts which you are
are claiming an exemption under Act 52choosing to defer the tax until the death
of 2013.                            of the surviving spouse or electing to tax
Schedule D, REV-1507 – the trust or other similar arrangement in
Mortgages and Notes Receivablethis estate.  
Report all mortgages and notes receiv-
able owed to the decedent.   TAXPAYER SERVICES 
                                        AND ASSISTANCE
Schedule E, REV-1508 – 
Cash, Bank Deposit, & Misc. 
                                    ONLINE SERVICES
Personal Property
                                    Online Customer Service Center
Report all gross probate estate 
                                    at www.revenue.pa.gov
assets not reportable under any other 
schedule.                           You can find answers to commonly
                                    asked questions by using the depart-
Schedule F, REV-1509 – ment’s Online Customer Service Center.
Jointly Owned PropertyUse the Find an Answer feature to
Report all property in which the dece-search the database of commonly asked
dent held an interest as joint tenantsquestions. If you do not find your an-
with right of survivorship.   swer in this area, you may submit your
www.revenue.pa.gov                                                                REV-15007

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