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                                                                     Instructions for REV-488 
                                                                     Statement of Financial Condition for Individuals
REV-488 A (ET) 01-20

The Statement of Financial Condition for Individuals provides        Item 26: Report any extraordinary situations, such as 
the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue with credit and sta-          recent transfers of assets, court proceedings and anticipat-
tistical information that will be utilized in evaluating an individ- ed changes in employment. 
ual’s financial status. Every item of the financial statement 
                                                                                 SECTION IV
must be completed and should reflect accurate information                                                                  
and amounts. If an item is not applicable to you, respond            ASSET & LIABILITY ANALYSIS 
"N/A". An incomplete Statement of Financial Condition for 
                                                                     ITEMS 27-38 
Individuals will not be considered. 
                                                                     This section resembles a balance sheet and should reflect 
The Statement of Financial Condition for Individuals is pre-         accurate amounts for assets owned and debts owed. 
sented in six segments. Instructions are provided only for 
                                                                     Item 27: Report actual cash on hand, not cash in banks or 
items requiring clarification. Most of the requested items are       other financial institutions. 
self-explanatory and need no further interpretation. 
                                                                     Item 31:Report the current market value of your vehicle(s) 
           GENERAL INFORMATIONas determined in an automobile blue book or by other prop-
                                                                     erty valuation sources. 
ITEMS 1-4                                                            Item 33: Report other assets such as furniture, recreational 
Please verify the Social Security numbers reported in Items          vehicles, recreational or hobby tools, machinery and equip-
4A and 4B.                                                           ment and miscellaneous household assets. 

                     SECTION I                                       Item 35: Report all other liabilities and debts owed for med-
                                                                     ical bills, dental bills and educational expenses, including 
EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION                                               any formal promissory note, loan arrangement or financial 
                                                                     obligation currently assigned to you. 
ITEMS 5-14 
This section should report all full-time and/or part-time            Items 36  37:and Report all delinquent federal and state 
employers that currently make payment(s) to you in the               taxes. 
form of wages, salaries and/or commissions for services              Item 38: Report totals for all entries made in each column. 
performed. You may provide attachments if necessary. 
                                                                                 SECTION V
                 SECTION II                                                                                                
                                                                     MONTHLY INCOME & EXPENSE ANALYSIS 
PERSONAL INFORMATION                                                 ITEMS 39-57 
ITEMS 15-18                                                          Report all sources of income, both gross and net, earned 
Provide personal and household information regarding you,            and/or received on a monthly basis and all sources of nec-
your spouse and/or your dependents.                                  essary living expenses paid and/or incurred on a monthly 
                                                                     basis. Additional lines have been provided for reporting 
                 SECTION III                                         income and/or expense items not already itemized in 
                                                                     Section V. Each entry should be verified for accuracy. The 
GENERAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                        department may request supportive documents to substan-
                                                                     tiate this information. 
ITEMS 19-26 
All information furnished in this section should be verified         Items 39  40:and Report gross and net income figures 
                                                                     obtained from all of your wage statements. If you are paid 
for accuracy. The department may conduct an inquiry to 
                                                                     on a weekly basis, multiply your weekly gross and net 
substantiate this information. 
                                                                     salary by 4.3 to arrive at your monthly gross and net 
Item 22: Include any line of credit available to you from a          income. 
company credit union.                                                Item 46: Report total income, both gross and net, from all 
Item 24: Report all business real estate holdings as well as         income sources identified under Items 39-45. 
your personal residence.                                             Item 47-55: Report accurate amounts for expenses verified 
                                                                     by examining your checkbook for the last six months. 
Item 25: Report insurance information as verified through 
your insurance agent.                                                Item 49: Report allowable installment payments, the  

www.revenue.pa.gov                                                                                         REV-488 A      1

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minimum payments on secured or legally perfected debts      Items 58-60: Provide your signature along with the date 
(car payments, judgments, etc.). Do not include payments    your signature was posted. If a joint income tax return was 
on encumbered assets (boats, recreational vehicle, etc.),   filed, your spouse’s signature must also be provided.
which are not necessary living expenses. 
Item 56: Report total expenses from all liability sources 
identified under Items 47-55 

Signature by you, your spouse or your attorney/accountant 
(POA attached), certifies that statements and entries con-
tained in the Statement of Financial Condition for individu-
als and/or accompanying schedules are correct to the best 
knowledge and belief of the undersigned. 

2    PA-488 A                                                           www.revenue.pa.gov

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