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DSCB:15-161 - Instructions
Pennsylvania Department of State
Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations
P.O. Box 8722
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8722
(717) 787-1057
web site: www.dos.pa.gov/corps
General Information characters or Arabic or Roman numerals. If the name is one
Typewritten is preferred. If handwritten, the form must be that is rendered unavailable for use by a domestic entity by
legible and completed in black or blue-black ink in order to section 202(b) or (c) (relating to requirements for names
permit reproduction. generally), the association shall adopt a new name, in
accordance with any procedures for changing the name of the
The nonrefundable filing fee for this form is $70. Checks association that are applicable prior to the domestication of the
should be made payable to the Department of State. Checks association, and shall set forth the new name in the statement.
must contain a commercially pre-printed name and address. It is not intended that the association must formally change its
name prior to domesticating since there would be no reason
This form and all accompanying documents shall be mailed to for Pennsylvania to require a filing in the jurisdiction that the
the address stated above. association is leaving. Rather, it will be sufficient for the
association to obtain whatever approvals by the interest
Applicable Law holders of the association and those persons managing its
See 15 Pa.C.S. § 161 for general information on affairs would be necessary to change its name. This field is
Domestication of Certain Alien Associations. Statutes are required.
available on the Pennsylvania General Assembly website,
www.legis.state.pa.us, by following the link for Statutes. 2. Give the date on which the domesticating entity was
originally incorporated or formed. Provide month, day and
Who should file this form? year. This field is required.
This form sets forth a procedure by which an association that
is organized under the laws of a jurisdiction other than 3. Give the jurisdiction of formation of the domesticating
Pennsylvania and that is not an “entity” (and thus is not entity. This must be a jurisdiction other than Pennsylvania and
eligible to domesticate in Pennsylvania under Subchapter G or will most likely be a jurisdiction outside of the United States
Chapter 3) may become a domestic Pennsylvania association. and its territories. For example, if the domesticating
association was originally chartered, formed or organized in
An association that can be domesticated under Subchapter G the Republic of Uzbekistan, then the jurisdiction of formation
of Chapter 3 (relating to domestication) must use DSCB:15- is Uzbekistan. This field is required.
375 (Statement of Domestication) and may not be
domesticated using this form [DSCB:15-161 (Statement of 4. Give the jurisdiction which constituted the principal place
Domestication – Other)]. of business for the domesticating entity immediately prior to
the domestication. This must be a jurisdiction other than
Attachments Pennsylvania and will most likely be a jurisdiction outside of
The following, in addition to the filing fee, shall the United States and its territories. For example, if the
accompany this form: domesticating association was had its principal place of
(1) One copy of a completed form DSCB:15-134A business or control in the Federative Republic of Brazil
(Docketing Statement). immediately prior to the domestication, then the jurisdiction
constituting the seat or control of the association is Brazil.
This field is required.
Form Instructions 5. Fill in the type of Pennsylvania association that the
Enter the name and mailing address to which any domesticating association will become upon domestication.
correspondence regarding this filing should be sent. This field Types of domestic associations include: business corporation,
must be completed for the Bureau to return the filing. If the nonprofit corporation, limited liability company, limited
filing is to be returned by email, an email address must be partnership, limited liability (general) partnership, limited
provided. An email will be sent to address provided, liability limited partnership, professional association or
containing a link and instructions on how a copy of the filed business trust.
document or correspondence may be downloaded. Any email
or mailing addresses provided on this form will become part Since this form is designed particularly for associations that do
of the filed document and therefore public record. not correspond directly to a recognized type of Pennsylvania
This form shall be executed in the English language. association, this field leaves to the domesticating association
the choice of the type of association it will be under
1. Give the exact name of the association. If the name is in a Pennsylvania law. This field is required.
foreign language, it shall be set forth in Roman letters or