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BUREAU OF CORPORATIONS AND CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS       Return document by mail to:                                                                 
 City                                              State                             Zip Code 
  Return document by email to: _________________________________                                                             
     Read all instructions prior to completing. This form may be submitted online at https://www.corporations.pa.gov/.  
Fee:  $250 
               In compliance with the requirements of the applicable provisions of 15 Pa.C.S. § 413 (relating to amendment of 
foreign registration statement), the undersigned registered foreign association hereby states that: 
1. The name of the association under which it is registered to do business in this Commonwealth is: 
 2. The type of association is (check only one): 
              Business Corporation                                   Limited Partnership                      Business Trust 
              Nonprofit Corporation                                  Limited Liability (General) Partnership  Professional Association 
              Limited Liability Company                              Limited Liability Limited Partnership     
3.  The (a) address of the association’s registered office in this Commonwealth or (b) name of its Commercial Registered 
Office Provider and the county of venue is: 
Complete part (a) OR (b) – not both: 
(a)  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________        
           Number and street                                           City                                             State                        Zip                  County 
(b) c/o: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
              Name of Commercial Registered Office Provider                                                                                              County 
4.  Effective date of amendment of foreign registration (check, and if appropriate complete, one of the following): 
     The Amendment of Foreign Registration shall be effective upon filing in the Department of State. 
     The Amendment of Foreign Registration shall be effective on: ________________________ at _______________. 
                                                                                                    Date (MM/DD/YYYY)                          Hour (if any) 

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DSCB:15-413 - 2 
5.  Check, and if appropriate complete, one of the following: 
    The association desires that its registration be amended to change or correct the following information: 
    The amendment adopted by the association is set forth in full in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. 
If the amendment reflects a change in name for the association which does not comply with 15 Pa.C.S. § 414 and §§ 201-209, the 
foreign association must adopt an alternate name that complies with 15 Pa.C.S. §§ 201-209 for use in Pennsylvania. 
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the undersigned association has caused this Amendment of Foreign Registration Statement 
to be signed by a duly authorized representative thereof this ______________ day of  ____________________________ 
                                                                               Name of Association 

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                                             Pennsylvania Department of State 
                                  Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations 
                                                            P.O. Box 8722 
                                                   Harrisburg, PA  17105-8722 
                                                            (717) 787-1057 
                                             Website: www.dos.pa.gov/corps 
General Information                                              1.  Give the exact name of the association as registered to do 
Typewritten is preferred.  If handwritten, the form must be      business in Pennsylvania and as on file with the Department of 
legible and completed in black or blue-black ink in order to     State.If  a foreign association has adopted an alternate name in 
permit reproduction.                                             order to register to do business in Pennsylvania, the registered 
The nonrefundable filing fee for this form is $250. Checks       foreign association must use the alternate name in response to 
should be made payable to the Department of State.  Checks       a requirement that a document delivered to the Department for 
must contain a commercially pre-printed name and address.        filing state the name of the association. This field is required. 
This form and all accompanying documents shall be mailed to      2. Select the type of association.  Only one option may be 
the address stated above.                                        selected. This field is required. 
Who should file this form?                                       3. Give one of the following:  the current registered office 
A foreign association that is registered to do business in this  address in the Commonwealth in (a) or the name of a 
Commonwealth must deliver to the Department for filing an        Commercial Registered Office Provider (b) and the county of 
amendment to its foreign registration statement if there is a    venue, as on file with the Department of State at the time the 
change in any of the following:                                  amendment is submitted for filing.   
 (1) The name of the association.                                Post office boxes are not acceptable for any address. Under 15 
 (2) The type of association, including, if it is a foreign      Pa.C.S. § 135(c) (relating to addresses), an actual street or 
limited partnership, whether the association became or ceased    rural route box number must be used as an address, and the 
to be a foreign limited liability limited partnership.           Department of State is required to refuse to receive or file any 
 (3) The association’s jurisdiction of formation.                document that sets forth only a post office box address.  
 (4) An address required by section 412(a)(4) (relating to       This field is required.  
foreign registration statement).                                  
 (5) Its registered office.                                      4. Any date specified as the effective date of the Amendment 
 (6) The authority of the association to have one or more        of Foreign Registration must be a future effective date (after 
series.                                                          the date and time of its delivery to the Department). A 
Applicable Law                                                   specified effective date may not be retroactive (prior to the 
For foreign associations, in general, 15 Pa.C.S. §§ 102; 401-    date and time of the delivery of the Amendment of Foreign 
419; for amendment, 15 Pa.C.S. § 413; for names, 15 Pa.C.S.      Registration to the Department).  If a delayed effective date is 
§ 414 and §§ 201-209. Statutes are available on the              specified, but no time is given, then the time used will be 
Pennsylvania General Assembly website,                           12:01 a.m. on the date specified. If neither option for an 
www.legis.state.pa.us, by following the link for Statutes.       effective date is checked, it will be presumed that no specified 
                                                                 delayed effective date is intended and the document will be 
Attachments                                                      effective upon filing. This field is required. 
The following, in addition to the filing fee, shall accompany     
this form:                                                       5. Supply the change(s) to the information previously supplied 
 (1)One  copy of a completed form DSCB: 15-134B                  in the association’s Foreign Registration Statement 
(Docketing Statement - Changes).                                 (DSCB:15-412). If the amendment reflects a change in name 
 (2)Any    necessary copies of form DSCB: 19-17.2 (Consent       for the association which does not comply with 15 Pa.C.S. § 
to Appropriation of Name). If Consent cannot be obtained, the    414 and 15 Pa.C.S. §§ 201-209, the foreign association must 
association may adopt, for the purpose of doing business in      have consent to use the name or adopt an alternate name that 
this Commonwealth, an alternate name that complies with 15       complies 15 Pa.C.S. §§ 201-209 for use in Pennsylvania.  
Pa.C.S. § 414 and §§ 201-209.                                    This field is required. 
 (3)Any    necessary governmental approvals.                     Signature and Verification 
                                                                 An authorized representative of the foreign association must 
Form Instructions                                                sign the Amendment of Foreign Registration. Signing a 
Enter the name and mailing address to which any                  document delivered to the Department for filing is an 
correspondence regarding this filing should be sent.  This field affirmation under the penalties provided in 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 
must be completed for the Bureau to return the filing. If the    (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities) that the facts 
filing is to be returned by email, an email address must be      stated in the document are true in all material respects.  
provided. An email will be sent to address provided,             This field is required. 
containing a link and instructions on how a copy of the filed 
document or correspondence may be downloaded. Any email 
or mailing addresses provided on this form will become part 
of the filed document and therefore public record. 

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