PA W-2 RECONCILIATION WORKSHEET START PA-40 W-2 RW (EX) 07-19(FI) HERE Name Social Security Number Ü Employer’s identification number from Box bFEDERAL WAGES FEDERAL WAGES MEDICARE WAGES (Box 1) (Box 1) (Box 5) SECTION I – Starting Point SECTION II – Additions COLUMN A COLUMN B COLUMN C 1. Company contribution to deferred compensation plan. 2. Elective deferrals to IRC Section 401(k) - Code “D” in Box 12. 3. Elective deferrals under IRC Section 403(b) salary reduction agreement - Code “E” in Box 12. 4. Elective deferrals under IRC Section 408(k)(6) salary reduction agreement (SEP) - Code “F” in Box 12. 5. Elective and non-elective deferrals under IRC Section 457(b) deferred compensation plan - Code “G” in Box 12. 6. Elective deferrals to a Section 501 (C)(18)(D) tax-exempt organization plan - Code “H” in Box 12. 7. Income from a nonqualified deferred compensation (NQDC) plan - Code “Z” in Box 12. 8. Deferrals to a NQDC plan qualifying under IRC Section 409A - Code “Y” in Box 12. 9. Other Additions (provide full descriptions) Fields 9a. through 9e. 9a. 9b. 9c. 9d. 9e. 10. TOTAL (add Lines 1 through 9e.) SECTION III – Subtractions COLUMN A COLUMN B COLUMN C 11. Company contribution to deferred compensation plan. 12. Cost of group-term life - Code “C” in Box 12. 13. Income from a NQDC plan - Code “Z” in Box 12. 14. Deferrals to a NQDC plan qualifying under IRC Section 409A - Code “Y” in Box 12. 15. Personal use of company vehicle. 16. Distributions from a NQDC plan. 17. Distributions from a NQDC plan previously taxed for Pennsylvania purposes. 18. Other Subtractions (provide full descriptions) Fields 18a. through 18e. 18a. 18b. 18c. 18d. 18e. 19. TOTAL (add Lines 11 through 18e.) SECTION IV – Finishing Point [Add Section I and Section II, Line 10 then subtract Section III, Line 19] MEDICARE WAGES PA WAGES PA WAGES (Box 5) (Box 16) (Box 16) RESET FORM TOP OF PAGE NEXT PAGE PRINT |
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Pennsylvania Department of Revenue Instructions for PA W-2 RW PA-40 W-2 RW IN (EX) 07-19 Interest Income GENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS PURPOSE OF SCHEDULE Column A reconciles the amount of federal wages in Box 1 Use the PA W-2 RW to provide supplemental information of the W-2 to the amount of Medicare wages reported in regarding amounts reported on federal Form W-2, Wage Box 5 of W-2. Include those items of compensation, such and Tax Statement, so that the department may reconcile as various types of retirement plan deferrals and any other the wages to determine if the proper amount of gross com- items of compensation that are not included in federal pensation income is reported for Pennsylvania personal wages but are included Medicare wages in Section II of the income tax purposes. The W-2 RW may also be used to W-2 RW. Include those items of compensation included in provide additional information regarding nonqualified federal wages that are not included in Medicare wages in deferred compensation distributions previously taxed. Section III of the W-2 RW. Column B reconciles federal wages in Box 1 of the W-2 to RECORDING DOLLAR AMOUNTS Pennsylvania wages in Box 16 or to what Pennsylvania Show money amounts in whole-dollars only. Eliminate any wages should be (for wages earned by a Pennsylvania res- amount less than $0.50 and increase any amount that is ident outside the state or by nonresidents). Include those $0.50 or more to the next highest dollar. items of compensation, such as various types of retirement plan deferrals and any other items of compensation that WHO MUST COMPLETEare not included in federal wages but are included Pennsylvania wages in Section II of the W-2 RW. Include The W-2 RW must be completed by taxpayers when the those items of compensation included in federal wages that amount shown as Medicare wages in Box 5 of the W-2 are are not included in Pennsylvania wages in Section III of the greater than Pennsylvania wages shown in Box 16 and W-2 RW. there is insufficient information included on the W-2 to rec- Column C reconciles Medicare wages in Box 5 of the W-2 oncile the wages without the additional information repre- to Pennsylvania wages in Box 16 or to what Pennsylvania sented on the W-2 RW. The W-2 RW must also be complet- wages should be (for wages earned by a Pennsylvania res- ed when a PA resident taxpayer works in another state and ident outside the state or by nonresidents). Include those Pennsylvania tax is not withheld from the wages when items of compensation, that are not included in Medicare insufficient information is included on the W-2 to adjust the wages but are included Pennsylvania wages in Section II of wages to the amount of world-wide wages a Pennsylvania the W-2 RW. Include those items of compensation included resident would be subject to using Pennsylvania personal in Medicare wages that are not included in Pennsylvania income tax rules. The W-2 RW may also be used to provide wages in Section III of the W-2 RW. additional information regarding when wages reported on PA-40 Schedule W-2S, Wage Statement Summary, are not NOTE: The most common differences between fed- subject to tax for Pennsylvania personal income tax pur- eral, Medicare and Pennsylvania wages are included poses. on Lines 1 thru 8 and Lines 10 thru 17. Other additions and subtractions not listed may be reported on Lines 9 and 17, respectively. SCHEDULE INSTRUCTIONS IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION IMPORTANT: If including the W-2 RW with a PA-40, NAME OF TAXPAYER ON W-2 Personal Income Tax Return, all three columns of the W-2 RW must be completed. Enter the name of the taxpayer shown on the W-2. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER LINE INSTRUCTIONS Enter the Social Security number (SSN) of the taxpayer shown on the W-2. SECTION I EMPLOYER’S IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Enter the federal employer identification number from Box STARTING POINT b of the W-2 for the employer whose wages are being rec- Enter the amount of federal wages from Box 1 of the W-2 onciled. in the space above the headings for Columns A and B. PA-40 W-2 RW 1 PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE PRINT |
Enter the amount of Medicare wages from Box 5 of the W-Box 12 of the W-2, enter the amount from the last pay 2 in the space above the heading for Column C. statement of the year from the employer. LINE 7 SECTION II COLUMN A ADDITIONS Enter the amount of earnings on amounts deferred that are LINE 1 included in Box 1 when a nonqualified deferred compensa- tion (NQDC) plan fails to satisfy the requirements under COLUMN A IRC Section 409A plan shown as Code Z in Box 12 of the Enter the amount of any company contributions to a W-2. deferred compensation plan not included in federal wages that are included in Medicare wages. LINE 8 LINE 2 COLUMNS A AND B Enter the amount of any deferrals the taxpayer/employee COLUMNS A AND B made to a nonqualified deferred compensation (NQDC) Enter the amount of any elective deferrals the plan that are not required to be included in compensation taxpayer/employee made to an IRC Section 401(k) cash or under IRC Section 409A shown as Code Y in Box 12 of the deferred arrangement plan shown as Code D in Box 12 of W-2. If contributions were made but are not shown in Box the W-2. If contributions were made but are not shown in 12 of the W-2, enter the amount from the last pay statement Box 12 of the W-2, enter the amount from the last pay of the year from the employer. statement of the year from the employer. LINES 9a THROUGH 9e LINE 3 COLUMNS A AND B COLUMNS A AND B Enter the amount of any items of compensation not shown Enter the amount of any elective deferrals the on Lines 1 thru 8 that are not included in federal wages that taxpayer/employee made to an IRC Section 403(b) salary are included in Medicare or Pennsylvania wages. reduction agreement shown as Code E in Box 12 of the W- 2. If contributions were made but are not shown in Box 12 COLUMN C of the W-2, enter the amount from the last pay statement of Enter the amount of any items of compensation not shown the year from the employer. on Lines 1 thru 8 that are not included in Medicare wages that are included in Pennsylvania wages. LINE 4 COLUMNS A AND B LINE 10 Enter the amount of any elective deferrals the COLUMNS A AND B taxpayer/employee made to an IRC Section 408(k)(6) Add the amounts on Lines 1 thru 9e and enter the total for salary reduction agreement shown as Code F in Box 12 of each column. the W-2. If contributions were made but are not shown in Box 12 of the W-2, enter the amount from the last pay statement of the year from the employer. SECTION III SUBTRACTIONS LINE 5 COLUMNS A AND B LINE 11 Enter the amount of any elective and non-elective deferrals the taxpayer/ employee made to an IRC Section 457(b) COLUMN C deferred compensation plan shown as Code G in Box 12 of Enter the amount of any company contributions to a the W-2. If contributions were made but are not shown in deferred compensation plan not included in federal wages Box 12 of the W-2, enter the amount from the last pay that are included in Medicare wages. statement of the year from the employer. LINE 12 LINE 6 COLUMNS B AND C COLUMNS A AND B Enter the amount of the cost of group-term life insurance Enter the amount of any elective deferrals the payments shown as Code C in Box 12 of the W-2. If pay- taxpayer/employee made to an IRC Section 501(C)(18)(D) ments were made but are not shown in Box 12 of the W-2, tax-exempt organization plan shown as Code H in Box 12 enter the amount from the last pay statement of the year of the W-2. If contributions were made but are not shown in from the employer. 2 PA-40 W-2 RW PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE PRINT |
IMPORTANT: Proof that the amounts deferred for a LINE 13 NQDC plan were previously included in Pennsylvania COLUMN C wages is also required to be included with the return. Enter the amount of earnings on amounts deferred that are included in Box 1 when the NQDC plan fails to satisfy the LINES 18a THROUGH 18e requirements under IRC Section 409A plan shown as Code COLUMNS A AND B Z in Box 12 of the W-2. Enter the amount of any items of compensation not shown LINE 14 on Lines 11 thru 16 that are included in federal wages that are not included in Medicare or Pennsylvania wages. COLUMN C Enter the amount of any deferrals the taxpayer/employee COLUMN C made to a NQDC plan that are not required to be included Enter the amount of any items of compensation not shown in compensation under IRC Section 409A shown as Code on Lines 11 thru 16 that are included in Medicare wages Y in Box 12 of the W-2. If contributions were made but are that are not included in Pennsylvania wages. not shown in Box 12 of the W-2, enter the amount from the last pay statement of the year from the employer. LINE 19 COLUMNS A, B AND C LINE 15 Add the amounts on Lines 11 thru 18e and enter the total COLUMNS B AND C for each column. Enter the amount of any personal use of company vehicle included in federal wages. This amount is sometimes SECTION IV included in Box 14 of the W-2. If not included as a separate amount in Box 14 of the W-2, enter the amount from the FINISHING POINT last pay statement of the year from the employer. COLUMNS A, B AND C Add the amount from Section I and Section II, Line 10 and LINE 16 subtract the amount from Section III, Line 19 and enter the COLUMN A result for each column. Enter the amount of any distributions from a NQDC plan IMPORTANT: The Finishing Point amounts from that were not previously included in Pennsylvania wages. Columns B and C should be the same and equal the amount of Pennsylvania wages reported on Form W-2 pro- vided by an employer for a Pennsylvania resident working LINE 17 in Pennsylvania. When the amounts do not match, report COLUMN B the amount from Column C as the amount of taxable Enter the amount of any distributions from a NQDC plan Pennsylvania wages in the “PA compensation from Box 16” that were previously included in Pennsylvania wages. Column on PA-40 Schedule W-2S for the employer. PA-40 W-2 RW 3 PREVIOUS PAGE RETURN TO FORM PRINT |