- 1 -
480 Park Ave
Amherst, OH 44001
Phone (440) 988-4212 Fax (440) 988-3749
Courtesy withholding is payroll tax withheld as a “courtesy” to those employees who are residents of Amherst but do not perform work
within the City of Amherst. If your employee is working in another taxing city, the courtesy rate should be 0.5%. If the employee is not
withheld elsewhere, the courtesy rate should be 1.5%. Courtesy withholding is not mandatory.
Company Name: __________________________________________ Tax ID: ___________________
DBA/Trade Name: __________________________________________ Date beginning Payroll Withholding
Main Office Address: __________________________________________ Phone: ( ) __________________
__________________________________________ Fax: ( ) __________________
Email Address: __________________________________________
List below the names and addresses of the employees for whom your company will be remitting resident (courtesy) payroll
withholding. If you prefer, the list can be emailed to incometax@amherstohio.org or faxed to (440) 988-3749. The list will be
verified by our office to ensure that employees are residents of the City of Amherst. You will be notified of any issues.
Amherst Resident Information
Employee Name: _____________________________________ Employee Name: _____________________________________
Employee Address: _____________________________________ Employee Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Employee Name: _____________________________________ Employee Name: _____________________________________
Employee Address: _____________________________________ Employee Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Payroll Withholding Information
Withholding Rate .05% 1.5% Additional withholding (per employee request)
Remittance Frequency Monthly (required if over $200 per month) Quarterly
Mailing Address for __________________________________________ Payroll Contact Name: _____________________
W/H Forms: __________________________________________ Phone: ( ) ________________
OR: Payroll Service (Your company FEIN is used as the Account Number)
Payroll Company: ____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Contact Name / Dept: __________________________________________________ Phone: ( ) _______________