- 2 -
13. Projected Yearly Revenue: Less Than $500,000 Annual Revenue
More Than $500,000 Annual Revenue 14.
Type of Ownership (check which):
Non-Profit Corporation Individual Proprietorship (Complete 15a)
Corporation (Complete 15b) Partnership (Complete 15C)
15. Owner’s Name and Address
a. If Individual Proprietorship, give owner’s name, social security number, and address:
Name: _____________________________________________________
Social Security Number: _______________________________________
Street Address: ______________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State ________ Zip __________
b. If corporate subsidiary, give name and address of parent company main office:
Name: _____________________________________________________
Federal ID Number: __________________________________________
Street Address: ______________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State ________ Zip __________
Will you be filing a consolidated return: Yes No
c. If partnership, association, or other incorporated joint business venture, list names and addresses of
partners, association, or members
Name SS# or Fed ID# Street Address City State Zip
Note: Throughout this questionnaire, wherever listings are required-attach a separate list if sufficient
spaces have not been provided.
16. With reference to real estate properties located within the City of Mansfield:
Does the business occupy, as a tenant, real estate property in
Mansfield rented from others? Yes No
If so, to whom is rent paid: (Give owner, if known, otherwise his agent)
Name SS# or Fed ID# Street Address City State Zip
17. Do you operate any other business within the City of Mansfield? Yes No
Note: Other business includes rental properties rented to others
If you do, list those located within the City:
So that further correspondence will not be necessary,
we ask your cooperation in filing this form promptly.