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                                                                         losses  from  work  done,  services  performed  or 
                                                                         rendered, or business conducted in Columbus.  
Instructions for                                                                
                                                                       You must file Form BR-25 even if a net loss is reported by 
Form BR-25                                                             the business.  
                                                                                     Form  BR-25  is  NOT  appropriate  for 
Columbus Business Return                                                NOTE         Schedule C filers. Schedule C filers must 
                                                                                     file using Form IR-25, Columbus Individual 
We strongly recommend you file with                                     
our new online tax portal, Columbus                                    Nonprofit businesses 
                                                                       Nonprofit  businesses (as defined  in I.R.C. §501(c)) are 
Revenue Information Portal (CRISP) at                                  not required to file an annual city tax return if a copy of the 
crisp.columbus.gov.                                                    organization’s approved I.R.S. determination letter is on 
                                                                       file with the City. However, should such a business have 
 Use to prepare returns for tax year                                   unrelated  business  income  (as  defined  in  I.R.C.  §512), 
                                             2023                      the business is required to file and pay city income tax.  
 The Columbus tax rate is                                              Tax Exempt Activities 
                                                                       if the entity is in an exempt status per O.R.C. §715.013 
 Table of Contents                                                     (such as banks, trucking, or insurance companies) please 
                                                                       provide documentation designating the exempt status. 
 Do I Need to File?................................................  1               Associations  whose  only  activity  is  as  an 
 How Do I File?..................................................... 1  NOTE         investment club must file a city income tax 
 Payments and Refunds……….……………………  2                                                 return, even though profits earned from this 
 General Information………..………………………  2                                                kind of enterprise are non-taxable. 
 Required attachments……………………………..                                   2  
 Completing Form BR-25…………………………..                                   3  
                                             Part A                  3  How Do I File? 
                                             Part B                  4  
                                    Schedule X                       4 Should  I use Form BR-25? 
                                    Schedule Y                       5 Corporations, including S-corporations, partnerships, joint 
                                    Schedule E                       6 ventures,  and  fiduciaries  (estates  and  trusts)  must  file 
                                             Part C                  6 using Form BR-25. 
 Filing Form BR-PV…………….…………………..                                    6  
                                                                       Sole proprietorships, rental properties, and farms must file 
                                                                       using  Form  IR-25.  Residents  who  are  a  partner  in  an 
 What’s new?                                                           association must report their share of the taxable income 
                                                                       using Form IR-25. 
We strongly recommend you file with our new online tax                  
portal, CRISP at crisp.columbus.gov. On CRISP, you can                 Can my corporation file a consolidated return? 
electronically complete your Form BR-25 and upload all                 An affiliated group of corporations may file a consolidated 
documentation. Part C of the BR-25 replaces Form BR-                   income tax return using Form BR-25 if that affiliated group 
21 Declaration of Estimated Tax. Form BR-PV replaces                   filed a consolidated return for federal income tax purposes 
Form BR-18 and Form BR-42.                                             for the same tax reporting period. Form BR-25 is required 
                                                                       to  be  completed  based  on  the  common  parent  federal 
                                                                       income tax return of the affiliated group as filed with the 
 Do I Need to File?                                                    Internal Revenue Service.  
You must file an annual net profit return on Form BR-25                “Affiliated  Group  of  Corporations”  means  an  affiliated 
and a Declaration of Estimated Tax on Part C if you are                group as defined in section 1504 of the Internal Revenue 
engaged in the following business enterprises:                         Code. “Consolidated Federal Income Tax Return” means 
                                                                       a  consolidated  return  for  federal  income  tax  purposes 
1. Associations  (including  Partnerships,  Joint                      pursuant to section 1501 of the Internal Revenue Code. 
   Ventures,  etc.) deriving  income  from  work  done,                 
   services  performed  or  rendered,  or  business                    What is the period of the return? 
   conducted in Columbus.                                              Your business is required to file a BR-25 return covering 
                                                                       the  same  period  as  the  business’s  federal  income  tax 
2. Corporations  (including  S-Corporations)  and                      return. 
   Fiduciaries (Estates and Trusts) deriving income or                  

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When is Form BR-25 due?                                           or  paid,  whichever  is  later,  as  defined  in  C.C.C. 
This return must be filed on or before the 15th day of the        §362.096(B)(1). 
fourth  month  following  the  close  of  the  tax  year.  For     
calendar  year  taxpayers,  this  means  the  return  is  due     Mailing addresses 
April 15, 2024.                                                   Refund Requested or No Payment Enclosed: 
                                                                  Mail to:            Columbus Income Tax Division 
What if I need more time?                                                             PO Box 182437 
If your business has requested an extension for filing the                            Columbus, Ohio 43218-2437 
business’s  federal  income  tax  return,  you  will               
automatically  receive  the  same  extension  for  filing  the    Payment Enclosed:     
Columbus return.                                                  Payable to:         CITY TREASURER 
                                                                  Mail to:            Columbus Income Tax Division 
An extension of time to file is not an extension of the time                          PO Box 182158 
to pay any tax due.                                                                   Columbus, Ohio 43218-2158 
The extended due date of the City income tax return is the                             
15th day of the eleventh month after the last day of the                               
taxable year to which the return relates.                          
If your business is not requesting a federal extension but         General Information 
needs to request an extension for the Columbus return,             
you must file Columbus Form BR-PV with payment, on or             How are local taxes determined? 
before  the  original  due  date  of  Form  BR-25.  This  form    Businesses          conducting  activities  within  Columbus  are 
may also be filed through the online tax portal, CRISP at         liable for the income tax. These instructions are applicable 
crisp.columbus.gov.                                               to Columbus only.  
If you are unable to pay any taxes owed, you must still file      If you have any questions about completing any of our 
your annual return timely with the Division.                      forms, please call (614) 645-7370.  All forms, 
                                                                  instructions, and applicable tax codes for Columbus are 
What if I file or pay late?                                       available for download at: 
Columbus charges penalties for failure to file, late filing,      http://www.columbus.gov/incometaxdivision.  
and filing a false or fraudulent return.                           
                                                                  What is taxable income? 
              Corporations,  associations,  trusts  and           Columbus  only  taxes  the  portion  of  the  allocated  net 
 NOTE         estates  located  within  or  doing  business       profits from business or professional activities conducted 
              within Columbus will incur a penalty of $25         within the city’s boundaries. Net operating loss carrybacks 
              per  month  up  to  a  maximum  of  $150  for       are not permitted.  
              failing to file this return in a timely fashion.     
                                                                  Requirements for associations 
Columbus also charges penalty and interest on taxes that          Columbus requires that the partnership (or LLC) pay all 
are unpaid to the city after they are due. This penalty is        tax  due  on  behalf  of  all  affected  partners.  Guaranteed 
15% of the amount of unpaid tax, and the annual interest          payments to partners must be included in net profits. 
rate on unpaid taxes is 10%.                                       
                                                                  This requirement applies to all resident and non-resident 
                                                                  associations (including partnerships, limited partnerships, 
   Payments and Refunds                                           and  limited  liability  corporations  (LLCs)  treated  as 
                                                                  partnerships for federal income tax purposes). 
Paying  tax due                                                    
If the full amount of the business tax liability as reported      Requirements for corporations 
on Form BR-25 has not been paid by quarterly estimated            Columbus requires that the corporation or fiduciary pay all 
payments, the unpaid balance must be filed and paid by            tax  due  on  their  taxable  income.  Sub-Chapter  S 
the due date unless the balance due is $10 or less.               corporations are taxed as regular C corporations for City 
                                                                  tax purposes, and must adjust their income accordingly. 
Requesting a refund                                                
Your  business  may  request  a  refund  due  to  an              This requirement applies to all corporations (including S-
overpayment  of  estimated  tax.  To  request  a  refund,         corporations  and  limited  liability  companies  (LLCs) 
check the refund box in the upper right section of Form           treated as corporations for federal income tax purposes), 
BR-25 and record the refund amount properly on Line 6B.           and fiduciaries (estates and trusts). 
Refunds cannot be less than $10.                                   
No refund or carryforwards of overpayment to subsequent            
years  shall  be  allowed  unless  a  written  request  is         
presented to the Administrator of the Columbus Income              
Tax Division within three (3) years after the tax was due 


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                                                                 3.  If  your  business  is  amending  an  already-submitted 
 Required Attachments                                              return,  place  an  “X”  in  the  box  marked AMENDED 
                                                                   located in the upper right section.  If your business is 
Partnerships  and associations                                     amending  the  City  return  based  upon  an  amended 
You  must  attach  pages  1  through  5  of  the  business’s       return filed with the I.R.S., you must include a copy of 
Federal Form 1065.                                                 the  Amended  Federal  Return,  including  any 
                                                                   applicable schedules that pertain to the amendment.  
Corporations                                                       If  your business is amending the  City return based 
You  must  attach  copies  of  Pages  1  through  6  of  the       upon  an  audit  that  the  I.R.S.  conducted,  you  must 
business’s Federal Form 1120 or Pages 1 through 5 of               include  documentation  identifying  when  the  I.R.S. 
the business’s Federal Form 1120S.                                 audit  was  concluded.  Note  any  changes  that  were 
                                                                   made  by  the  I.R.S.  to  reduce  or  increase  taxable 
Fiduciaries, trusts, and estates                                   income. 
You  must  attach  a  copy  of  Page  1  of  the  business’s        
Federal Form 1041.                                               4.  Complete the box that pertains to the filing of a city 
                                                                   return in the previous year, whether or not the return 
Federal Forms                                                      is a consolidated corporation return, and whether or 
Attach complete copies of the following if attached to the         not the account should be inactivated.   
business’s federal tax return:                                      
      a.  Schedule of other income                                 If you are requesting that the business’s account be 
      b.  Schedule of other deductions                             inactivated,  provide  an  explanation,  in  the  space 
      c.  Federal Form 1125-A other costs                          provided or on a separate form. If this is a final return, 
      d.  Federal Form 8825                                        give the reason why.  If the business has been sold, 
      e.  Federal Form 4797                                        provide the name, address, and phone number of the 
      f.  Federal Schedule E                                       purchaser on a separate attachment.  Finally, indicate 
      g.  Federal Schedule D                                       if the sale was a sale of assets or of stock. 
      h.  Federal Form1125-A                                      
      i.   Federal Schedule M-3                                  5.  If the address of the business operation is different 
      j.   Federal Form 8949                                       from the mailing address, provide the complete local 
      k.  Copies  of  all  1099-MISC  forms  issued  to            business address.   
           central Ohio residents.                                
                                                                           Mailing  addresses,  used  for  postal 
Other attachments                                                          purposes,  cannot  be  used  to  determine 
Additionally,  in  order  to  avoid  delay  in  processing  or             taxing  jurisdictions.  Mailing  addresses  of 
disallowance of undocumented credits or losses by the             NOTE     Columbus, Ohio can fall in another taxing 
Tax Administrator, your business should attach any other                   jurisdiction as well as in non-taxing areas 
documentation, including:                                                  (townships). If you are unsure where a local 
      a.  a list of disregarded entities covered by the                    address  is  actually  located,  please  use 
           return,                                                         CRISP  at      crisp.columbus.gov  to  verify 
      b.  schedules,                                                       addresses.  
      c.  other municipal income tax returns.                              
      d.  supporting  documentation  necessary  to                                                
                                                                 Part A: Tax Calculation
           verify  credits,  income,  losses,  or  other 
           pertinent factors on the return. 
                                                                 Complete Schedules X, Y, and E  (if applicable) before 
                                                                 completing this section. 
 Completing Form BR-25 
                                                                 Line 1:        Enter total net taxable income from net 
                                                                                profits  of  corporations,  associations 
Enter year of tax return and beginning and ending dates                         (partnerships,  joint  ventures,  etc.)  and 
in top right corner of return. Fiscal year taxpayers, use the                   fiduciaries  (from  Schedule  X  and/or 
beginning year of the fiscal period as the tax year reported                    Schedule Y). Entry in Column B cannot 
on the businesses attached Federal return.                                      be less than zero.  
1.  Enter  the  information  for  business  name,  current                 Unincorporated  losses  cannot  offset 
  mailing address and EIN/FID or account number in                NOTE     corporate income. Corporate losses cannot 
  the spaces provided.                                                     offset unincorporated income. 
2.  Check  the  appropriate  box  that  corresponds  to  the      
  filing  status  of  the  business.  This  form  is  NOT        Line 2:        Multiply the figure in Column B by 2.5%. 
  appropriate for Schedule C filers.  Schedule C filers           
  must  file  using  Form  IR-25,  Columbus  Individual          Line 3:        Enter applicable City of Columbus Jobs 
  Return.                                                                       Tax Credit. Entry in this column cannot 
                                                                                reduce Column E to less than zero. 

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Line 4:       Subtract Column D from Column C.                   Your  business  is  not  authorizing  the  paid  preparer  to 
                                                                 receive any refund check, bind the corporation to anything 
Line 5:       Enter  all  declaration  and  extension            (including  any  additional  tax  liability),  or  otherwise 
              payments made for this tax year and any            represent the corporation before the City of Columbus. 
              overpayment  carried  forward  from  the            
              prior year’s return.                                
                                                                 Schedule X: Reconciliation with Federal 
Line 6:       Enter total amount due - Line 4 less Line 
              5. If tax due is $10 or less, no payment is        Income Tax Return 
                                                                 Complete this section to reconcile the city return with the 
Line 7:       Enter  overpayment,  if  applicable,  from         business’s  federal  return  as  required  in  C.C.C.  §362. 
              Line 6 as a positive number (do not use            Enter all items shown on the business entity’s federal tax 
              parentheses).                                      return  (Forms  990T,  1041,  1065,  1120,  1120REIT  or 
              a.  Line  7A:  Enter  amount  of  the              1120S) which are non-taxable or non-deductible for city 
                  overpayment  from  Line  6  to  be             tax purposes.  
                  credited to next year’s tax estimate.           
              b.  Line  7B: Enter  the  amount  of  the          Associations reconciling from Line 1 of the “Analysis of 
                  overpayment  from  Line  7  to  be             Net  Income  (Loss)”  section  of  Schedule  K  of  Federal 
                  refunded.  Refunds must be greater             Form 1065 must complete all lines as applicable except 
                  than $10.                                      Line  4D.  Taxes  paid  by  associations  on  this  return  are 
                                                                 considered to be paid on behalf of the members of the 
                                                                 association  and  should  not  be  deducted  on  Line  14  of 
Part B: Required Questions                                       Federal Form 1065 or Line 11 of Federal Form 8825. 
All questions in this section regarding the business entity      Line 1:    Income per attached Federal tax return per 
must be answered.                                                           C.C.C. §362.03(A). 
Signature                                                        Line 2 A:     Items not deductible (from 4J below). 
Form BR-25 is not considered a complete return unless            Line 2 B:    Items not taxable (from Line 5F below). 
the corporation’s officer signs it and attaches all required      
documents (see attachments required above).                      Line 2 C:  Record excess of Line 2A or 2B. 
Anyone the corporation pays to prepare Form BR-25 must           Line 2 D:  Partnership income or loss adjustment (add 
sign and date it in the space provided and provide their                    back a partnership loss or deduct a gain). 
Paid Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN).                             Must  attach  completed  form  BR-25 
                                                                            schedule E see page 6 for instructions. 
Paid Preparer Authorization                                       
If your business wants to allow the City of Columbus to          Line 2 E:  Suspended §179 expense from prior years 
discuss its tax return with the paid preparer who signed it,                allowed in this tax year. 
check the “YES” box in the signature area of the return.          
                                                                 Line 2 F:     Suspended charitable contributions from     
This  authorization  applies  only  to  the  individual  whose              prior years allowed in this tax year. 
signature  appears  in  the  “Paid  Preparer’s  Use  Only”        
section of the return.  It does not apply to the firm, if any,   Line 2 G:  Other  City  taxable  income  not  in  Line  1 
shown in that section.                                                      (such as I.R.C. §291 recalculation of §1250 
                                                                            gain  for  S  corporations,  partnerships  or 
By checking “YES”, your business authorizes the City of                     trusts treated as C corporations per C.C.C. 
Columbus  to  call  the  paid  preparer  to  answer  any                    §362.03(A)(12). 
questions  that  may  arise  during  the  processing  of  its     
return.                                                          Line 2 H:  Net  operating  loss  calculated  per  C.C.C. 
                                                                            §362.03(A)(8),  per  §362.03(A)(8)(e).  This 
The corporation also authorizes the paid preparer to:                       figure must be entered as a positive number. 
                                                                            You  must  attach  a  schedule  detailing  the 
 a.  Give the City of Columbus any information that is                      calculation  and  application  of  the  net 
        missing from the return,                                            operating loss carryforward..  
 b.  Call the City of Columbus for information about              
        the processing of the return or the status of any        Line 3:    City  net  taxable  income  after  applying  the 
        refund or payment(s), and                                           net  operating  loss  allowed  by  C.C.C. 
 c.  Respond  to  certain  City  of  Columbus  notices                      §362.03(A)(8). 
        about math       errors, offsets, and   return                 
        preparation.                                             Items  not  deductible  are  added  to  taxable  income. 
                                                                 They should be entered as follows: 

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Line 4A:  Non-deductible losses incurred from the sale         
          or  exchange  of  capital  or  other  assets  per   Line 5C:   Dividend Income. 
          C.C.C. §362.03(A)(3).                                
                                                              Line 5D:   Income from patents, trademarks, copyrights, 
Line 4B:   Amount equal to 5% of intangible income not                  and  royalties  related  to  intangible  sources.   
          attributable  to  the  sale,  exchange  or  other             Do not  include royalty income derived from 
          disposition of I.R.S. §1221 property.                         land (timber rights, grazing rights, etc.) which 
                                                                        is fully taxable for city tax purposes. 
Line 4C:   Taxes  based  on  net  income  -  includes  any     
          state or municipal tax deducted.                    Line 5E:   Other exempt income (with explanation). The 
                                                                        changes in municipal taxation mandated by 
Line 4D:   Guaranteed  payments  to  partners  -  applies               HB5  do  not  include  any  adjustments  for 
          only    if   guaranteed    payments     to                    Federal credits such as the FICA tip credit, 
          partners/members  has  not  been  included                    Work  Opportunity  credit,  Welfare  to  Work 
          within     net    profits  under       C.C.C.                 credit,  Indian  Employment  Tax  credit, 
          §362.03(W)(1).                                                Empowerment Zone credit, etc.   Therefore, 
                                                                        the  City  of  Columbus  will  no  longer  allow 
Line 4E:   Charitable  contributions  –  All  business                  these  deductions  against  Adjusted  Federal 
          entities should report any contributions over                 Taxable Income on Schedule X. 
          the 10% corporate limitations in accordance          
          with C.C.C. §362.03(A)(12). Non-C corporate         Line 5F:      Total Deductions - add Lines 5A through  
          businesses  may  carry  forward  any  unused                       5E - carry result to Line 2B. 
          contributions as if they were C corporations.        
          A schedule should be provided to show how           Distributions  from  investment  partnerships  cannot  be 
          your  deduction  was  calculated  and  identify     apportioned.  These  distributions  must  be  deducted  on 
          any  portion  that  was  carried  forward  from     Line 2D. 
          prior years. (Deduction is limited to 10% of         
          city taxable income before consideration            Calculate adjusted net income (Line 3) and carry result: 
          for     any     charitable       contribution       1) to Part A, Page 1; 2) to adjusted net income column of 
          deduction).                                         Schedule Y if allocation of net profits is required. 
Line 4F:  In  accordance  with  C.C.C.  §362.03(A)(12)         
          Non-corporate  business  entities  may  be          Schedule Y: Required Calculation of Net 
          limited to the corporate limitations for I.R.S. 
          §179 expense deduction.                             Profit for Multi-City Allocation 
Line 4G:  Qualified retirement, health insurance and life     Complete  Schedule  Y  to  properly  allocate  city  taxable 
          insurance  plans  on  behalf  of  owners/owner      income  between  multiple  cities.  In  order  to  promote 
          employees  must  be  added  back  as  non-          uniformity and consistency in the calculation of net profits, 
          deductible under C.C.C. §362.03(A)(12).             the  City  of  Columbus  Division  of  Income  Tax  strictly 
                                                              interprets Ohio Revised Code §718.02.   
Line 4H:   Add any deduction for a pass-through entity         
          not  allowed  as  a  deduction  for  a  C-          Column A, Line a: List the average original cost of all real 
          Corporation  under  the  Internal  Revenue          and  tangible  personal  property  owned  or  used  by  the 
          Code.  i.e.  754  Basis  Adjustments  and           taxpayer that was situated within the city limits. Include 
          Section 163(J) Interest Expense.                    the  annual  rental  on  rented  and  leased  real  property 
                                                              situated within the city limits multiplied by 8. 
          Federal  Form  1065  Schedule  K1  Line  13d         
          (applies to associations only).                     Column  A,  Line  b:  Divide  Column  A,  Line  a  by  the 
                                                              amount of Line 3.  If the amount of Line 3 is zero, enter 
Line 4I:  Other  expenses  not  deductible  (with             “n/a” on this line. 
          explanation).  Do  not  include  expenses  on        
          income earned in other taxing districts (see        Column  B,  Line  a:  List  the  gross  receipts  from  sales 
          Line 5E instructions).                              made, rentals made or services performed within the city 
Line 4J:  Total Additions - add Lines 4A through 4I -         limits. 
          carry result to Line 2A.                             
                                                              Column  B,  Line  b:  Divide  Column  B,  Line  a  by  the 
Items not taxable are deducted from taxable income.           amount of Line 4.  If the amount of Line 4 is zero, enter 
They should be entered as follows:                            “n/a” on this line. 
Line 5A:   Non-taxable gains from sale or exchange of         Column  C,  Line  a:  List  the  wages,  salaries  and  other 
          capital or     other   assets    per   C.C.C.       compensation  paid  to  W-2  employees  for  services 
          §362.03(A)(4).                                      performed  within  the  city  limits  except  compensation 
                                                              exempt   from       municipal taxation       under   C.C.C. 
Line 5B:   Interest Income.                                   §362.03(K)(17). 

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                                                                      the 15th day of the fourth month, and 
Column  C,  Line  b:  Divide  Column  C,  Line  a  by  the            the 15th day of the sixth month, and 
amount of Line 5.  If the amount of Line 5 is zero, enter             the 15th day of the ninth month, and 
“n/a” on this line.                                                   the 15th day of the twelfth month of the 
                                                                       business's year. 
Column D:  Divide the sum of line b for Columns A-C by 
the number of factors used.   
                                                                   Each  estimated  tax  payment  made  using  Form  BR-PV 
 Example       1:   Line    5 shows       no wages                 must be accompanied by a payment of at least 25% of the 
 companywide. If Line b for Columbus shows 30%,                    total estimated tax shown  on Part C of  Form BR-25 or 
 60%,  and  N/A  for  Columns  A-C  respectively,                  include a credit carry-forward. Your business may apply 
 divide  90%  (30%  +  60%)  by  2  (since  only  two              credit for overpayment from a prior year return entirely to 
 columns had numbers).                                             the first quarter payment or may divide the credit between 
                                                                   each quarterly payment.  
 Example 2: Line 5 reports wages companywide.                       
 None  of  those  wages  are  earned  in  Columbus.                All 2024 quarterly estimated payments must total at least 
 Thus,  if  Line  b  for  Columbus  shows  30%,  60%,              90% of the total tax liability shown on the business’s 2024 
 and 0% for columns A-C respectively, divide 90%                   tax return or at least 100% of the total tax liability shown 
 (30% + 60% + 0%) by 3 (since all three columns                    on  the  businesses  2023  tax  return.  If  all  estimated 
 had  numbers,  even  though  Column  C’s  number                  payments  total  an  amount  less  than  either  of  these 
 was zero).                                                        criteria,  or  if  payments  are  not  made  by  the  due  dates 
                                                                   listed above, the business will be subject to penalty and 
Column E: Multiply the amount shown on Schedule X,                 interest. 
Line  3  by  the  percentage  shown  in  Column  D.    If  the      
amount is zero or less, enter zero on Form BR-25, Page             To  amend  a  declaration  of  estimated  city  income  tax, 
1, Part A, Column B.  If Column E is more than zero, enter         provide a written statement including the expected new 
the amount on Form BR-25, Page 1, Part A, Column B.                tax  liability,  the  tax  year  being  amended  and  account 
                                                                   number/FEIN. An amended declaration of estimated city 
                                                                   income  taxes  may  also  be  filed  by  going  to  CRISP  at 
Schedule E: Pass-Through K-1 Income                                crisp.columbus.gov and submitting a web-request, which 
(or Loss)                                                          must include the expected new tax liability, tax year, and 
                                                                   account number/FEIN.   
Complete  this  section  to  determine  the  income  or  loss       
resulting from investments in partnerships. Corporations,                         For  additional  payment  vouchers,  please 
associations  (partnerships,  joint  ventures,  etc.),  and         NOTE          visit our website and download Form BR-
fiduciaries  are  not  permitted  to  offset  local  partnership                  PV. 
income with local partnership losses.                               
Column 5:        Enter total income/loss incurred by each                                                       Rev. 10/3/2023 
                 activity listed in Column 1. Enter the total 
                 amount on line 2D of Schedule X. 
 Completing Part C and Form BR-PV 
Filing a Declaration of Estimated Tax 
AII  business  enterprises  must  complete  Page  1, 
Declaration of Estimated Tax, on Form BR-25 for the 
current year. 
Making estimated payments 
AII estimated payments must be made using form BR-PV. 
Payments  can  also  be  made  on  CRISP  at 
crisp.columbus.gov. No extensions of time to file or pay 
will be granted. 
For calendar year taxpayers, payments are due: 
      April 15, 2024 
      June 15, 2024 
      September 15, 2024 
      December 15, 2024 
For fiscal year filers, payments are due: 


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