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                                                2022 GENERAL INFORMATION - VANDALIA 
1. WHO MUST FILE                                                                         9. RENTALS 
All residents of Vandalia that are 18 years of age or over, whether or not any           Net rental earnings from all types of real estate or other property are taxable for 
income was earned or any tax due, are required to file an annual return.  All            residents regardless of where the rental is located.  Net rental earnings derived 
non-residents  that  earn  or  receive  income  within  Vandalia  that  is  not  fully   within the city are taxable to the property owners without regard for their place 
withheld  upon  are  required  to  file  a  return.    All  resident  business  entities of residence.  An annual return is required even though a loss may be incurred. 
including  trusts,  corporations,  S-corporations,  partnerships  and  other              
unincorporated businesses  are  required  to  file  an annual  return  on  an  entity    10. BUSINESS INCOME 
basis.  Non-resident business entities that conduct business, perform services,          Income  derived  from  a  profession,  sole  proprietorship,  joint  venture, 
have a location or have income earned in Vandalia are required to file on an             partnership or similar business endeavor is taxable to residents no matter where 
entity  basis.    For  corporations,  partnerships  and  other  taxable  entities,  a    that income is earned.  Non-residents receiving such income derived within a 
Business income tax return will be needed.                                               city are taxable without regard to their place of residence.  A return is necessary 
NOTE: Anyone receiving a notification letter has an active account and will              even though a loss may have been incurred. 
need to file a return.  All accounts remain in active status until a “final” return       
is filed.                                                                                11. OTHER CITY TAX CREDITS 
                                                                                         Residents of a city who work in and pay tax to another city may take a credit 
2. UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE                                                                 against their city tax liability for other city tax paid up to a maximum of 2% of 
You may be eligible for a refund if Vandalia taxes were withheld on income               taxable income earned in the other city.  A proration of taxable income will 
earned prior to your 18 thbirthday.  If you are under 18 or if you turned 18 years       result in a proration of the other city tax credit.  In some instances, an adjustment 
of age during the year, only the income earned after your 18 th birthday is subject      of  credit  may  be  necessary  if  the  tax  paid  or  withheld  for  another  city  is 
to Vandalia tax.  Submit verification of your date of birth (photocopy of driver’s       incorrect.  When claiming a credit for other city taxes paid, verification, such 
license or birth certificate) and verification/computation of your taxable/non-          as W-2s or other city tax returns, must be submitted with the income tax return. 
taxable earnings.                                                                         
                                                                                         12. DECLARATION OF ESTIMATED TAX 
3. PART-YEAR RESIDENTS                                                                   Every taxpayer who anticipates having income tax due of $200.00 or more that 
Part-year residents will need to allocate their income and any deductions and            is not fully withheld must file an annual declaration of estimated tax.  At least 
credits  based  on  the  amount  of  time  they  lived  in  each  city.                  90% of the current year tax liability or 100% of the previous year liability must 
Verification/computation (pay stubs, etc.) will need to be submitted with the            be  paid  either  through  employer  withholding and/or  estimated  payments  by 
return.  Those living in Vandalia for any part of the year are required to file a        January 15 thfollowing the taxable year.  In the case of any underpayment of 
return.  College students, even though they may reside away from home for a              any portion of a tax liability, penalty and interest may be imposed on the amount 
portion of the year, are required to file if their permanent residence is within         of  underpayment.    Quarterly  statements  are  available  on  our  website: 
Vandalia.                                                                                www.vandaliaohio.org. 
4. DUE DATE                                                                              13. CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, TRUSTS, ETC. 
Returns are due by April 15th following the close of the calendar year, or within        Corporations,  S-corporations,  partnerships,  trusts,  joint  ventures  and  similar 
3½ months of the end of the year for those businesses on a fiscal year basis.            business entities having a location or doing business in Vandalia are required 
The due date may vary slightly depending on weekends and/or federal holidays.            to file annual income tax returns on an entity basis.  Such entities will need to 
                                                                                         obtain a Business income tax return.  Distributions from S-corporations should 
5. EXTENSIONS                                                                            not be included on individual tax returns.  Individuals who receive payments 
Extensions may be granted on an automatic basis if an automatic six-month                from partnerships should only include those on their individual return when the 
extension was requested for filing the federal income tax return.  A copy of the         distributing  partnership  is  not  doing  business  in  or  located  in  their  city  of 
federal extension must accompany the municipal income tax return when filed              residence. 
by the extended due date.  An extension of the time to file does not extend the           
time to pay the tax.  Penalty and interest charges may be imposed on any tax             14. BUSINESS LOSSES 
remaining unpaid after the original due date.  Additionally, there is no provision       Net business losses including rental losses may be deducted from net gains of 
for  extending  the  current  year  first  quarter  estimated  payment.    Extension     other  businesses  and  rentals.  Such  losses  may  not  be  used  to  offset  wage 
request  forms  may  be  obtained  from  the  Tax  Office  or  our  website:             income.   
                                                                                         15. NET OPERATING LOSSES 
6. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION                                                              For taxable years beginning in 2018, a person may deduct any net operating 
Documentation is necessary to verify all amounts of taxable and non-taxable              loss incurred in a taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2017.  The 
incomes, expenses, deductions and credits.  All of the Internal Revenue Service          amount of such net operating loss shall be deducted from the net profit to the 
Form W-2s (Wage and Tax Statements) and the Internal Revenue Service Form                extent necessary to reduce taxable income to zero, with any remaining unused 
1040 (including Schedule 1, if applicable) are required to be included with each         portion of the net operating loss carried forward for five consecutive taxable 
annual return, amended return, or request for refund.  Those taxpayers claiming          years or until fully utilized.  As part of a phase-in plan by the State of Ohio, for 
deductions for commissions paid, contract labor and the like must provide a              tax years 2018-2022, a person may not deduct more than 50% of the amount of 
schedule showing a breakdown of amounts paid, how much of said work was                  the allowed deduction.  For tax year 2022, the allowable deduction is the lesser 
in each city, names to whom paid with addresses and social security (or federal          of 50% of the 2022 taxable gain (if a prior year loss is available) or 50% of the 
identification) numbers.  Copies of Form 1099-MISC may be sent in lieu of the            accumulated prior year loss carryforward. 
                                                                                         16. LATE FILING FEE, PENALTIES AND INTEREST 
7. TAXABLE WAGES                                                                         When returns are filed after the due date by Vandalia residents or by businesses 
Income subject to taxation includes, but is not limited to, qualifying wages,            performing services in Vandalia, a late filing fee of $25.00 per month ($150.00 
commissions, bonuses, incentive programs and other compensation received,                maximum) is imposed without regard for the amount of tax due.  Late filing 
accrued  or  in any  other  way  set  apart.    Note:  The  qualifying  wage  for  city  fees may apply even though no tax may be due.  In addition, for taxable year 
purposes is generally the same amount as the federal Medicare wage amount.               2022, any Vandalia income tax remaining unpaid after the due date may be 
A  more  complete  listing  of  examples  of  taxable  and  non-taxable  income  is      charged a penalty of 15% and interest of 0.58% per month (7% annually).  
available  on  the  Application  for  Extension  form  on  our  website:                  
www.vandaliaohio.org.                                                                    17. VISA/MASTERCARD 
                                                                                         City taxes may be paid online with your credit card or by electronic check.  
8. FILING STATUS                                                                         Please refer to the City of Vandalia’s website, www.vandaliaohio.org, to access 
A married couple may file either joint or separate returns.  The filing status will      the online payment center.  Credit card payments are now accepted in person in 
not affect the amount of tax due.                                                        the tax office as well. 

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                                                     2022 INSTRUCTIONS - VANDALIA 
SECTION  A:  If  you  (and/or  your  spouse  if  filing  jointly)  meet  one  of  the    SECTION C: A Declaration of Estimated Tax must be filed by every resident, 
following requirements, please complete Section A:                                       non-resident  or  business  entity  that expects  to  receive  taxable  income  from 
           •  Your only income is from a federally qualified retirement plan.            which the tax has not been withheld and the amount of tax due is $200.00 or 
           •  Your only income is from active duty military pay.                         more.  Vouchers are available on our website www.vandaliaohio.org for use in 
           •  If you were under 18 for the entire year (indicate date of birth,          making quarterly estimated tax payments.  Upon filing the tax return, penalty 
              and attach a copy of your driver’s license, birth certificate or           and interest charges will be imposed if at least 90% of the final tax liability, or 
              other verification).                                                       100% of the prior year tax liability, was not received by January 15 thfollowing 
           •  Your only income is from a non-taxable source (see the listing             the taxable year. 
              of  taxable  and  non-taxable  income  on  the  Application  for            
              Extension form) and indicate the source.                                   Line 9 
                                                                                         Enter the estimated amount of taxable income where indicated and show the 
If you have business income, rental income or any type of taxable income                 amount of tax estimated to be due. 
other than wages and salaries, COMPLETE SECTION E ON PAGE 2 OF                            
FORM R BEFORE PROCEEDING.  If your only taxable income is from                           Line 10 
wages and salaries as shown on Form W-2, complete page 1 of the return                   Enter the amount of estimated tax credits.  Include any tax to be withheld for 
only.                                                                                    your city of residence and any credit for tax to be withheld for other cities (not 
                                                                                         to exceed 2%). 
SECTION B: List all W-2 and W-2G information where indicated.  Note: The                  
wage amount indicated in Line 1-C should be the municipal qualifying wage                Line 11 
amount (see Item 7 of the General Information).  For income earned in another            Subtract Line 10 from Line 9.  This is your estimated net tax due for the next 
city, the maximum allowable credit for taxes paid to the other city is 2% of the         tax year. 
income earned and properly taxed in that city.  Submit a copy of each W-2 and             
W-2G with the income tax return.                                                         Line 12 
                                                                                         Enter ¼ of Line 11.  This is the quarterly amount due. 
Line 1                                                                                    
Add each column as indicated.  Enter totals on Lines 1-A, 1-B and 1-C.  (See             Line 13 
Item  11  of  the  General  Information  for  more  detailed  instructions  on  the      If you indicated a credit to next year on Line 8 ($10.01 minimum), show the 
calculation of other city tax withheld.)                                                 amount on Line 13.  The overpayment will be applied to your first quarterly 
                                                                                         payment.    If  the  overpayment  is  greater  than  the  first  quarter  payment,  the 
Line 2                                                                                   difference will be applied to the next payment(s) due. 
Enter total of Line 1-C (or Column 3 if applicable).                                      
                                                                                         Line 14 
Line 3                                                                                   Subtract Line 13 from Line 12.  This is the amount of the estimated tax due with 
Multiply Line 2 by 2%.                                                                   this return.  (Vouchers to be used for making the remaining quarterly payments 
                                                                                         are available at the Tax Office and on our website: www.vandaliaohio.org.) 
Line 4-A                                                                                  
Enter the total amount of tax withheld by your employer(s) for your city of              Line 15 
residence (from Line 1-A).                                                               Enter the total of Line 7 plus Line 14.  Make checks payable to City of Vandalia. 
Line 4-B                                                                                 SECTION D: If paying by credit card or electronic check, please refer to the 
Enter the total credit for taxes paid to other cities (from Line 1-B).  Note: Other      website, www.vandaliaohio.org, to access the online payment center.  Credit 
city tax credit may not exceed 2% of the amount of taxable income earned in              card payments are now accepted in person in the tax office as well. 
the respective city.                                                                      
                                                                                         SIGNATURES: The taxpayer and spouse, if filing a joint return, must sign 
Line 4-C                                                                                 where indicated.  If someone other than the taxpayer or spouse completed this 
Enter the total estimated tax payments plus any prior year credits.                      return, indicate by checking yes or no if we may contact your tax preparer with 
                                                                                         questions regarding this return.  In either case, the tax preparer must sign in the 
Line 4-D                                                                                 area so designated. 
Enter the total of Lines 4-A, 4-B and 4-C.                                                
                                                                                         SECTION E: Page 2 of Form R will need to be completed if you have income 
Line 5                                                                                   other than wages as reported on your W-2(s).  Completion of Section E does 
Enter total of Line 3 minus Line 4-D.  If Line 3 is greater than Line 4-D, a             not replace the need to attach copies of federal schedules and other supporting 
balance is due, and a payment must accompany this return.  (If the balance is            documents.    Indicate  amounts  earned  in  each  city  as  applicable.    See  more 
$10.00 or less, no payment is necessary, but the return will still need to be filed.)    detailed Section E instructions on page 2 of Form R. 
If Line 4-D is greater than Line 3, proceed to Line 8 (or Line 6 if filing after the      
due date).                                                                               NOTE:  Section E  should  be completed before  proceeding to  page  1  of  the 
                                                                                         return if you have taxable income that is not shown on a W-2. 
Line 6                                                                                    
If your return is filed after the due date, a late filing fee may be added, and any      SCHEDULE Y: On page 2 of Form R is a Business Apportionment Formula 
balance  due  may  be  subject  to  penalties  and  interest.    (See  Item  16  of  the used to compute the portion of net profits allocable to Vandalia, and any other 
General Information.)                                                                    areas  when  business  is  conducted  both  inside  and  outside  the  city.    If  the 
                                                                                         Business  Apportionment  Formula  is  used,  amounts  allocated  to  Vandalia 
Line 7                                                                                   should be entered in Section E. 
Enter total of Line 5 plus Line 6.                                                        
                                                                                         ASSISTANCE: For free assistance in completing this return, or if you have 
Line 8                                                                                   any questions, please contact the Income Tax Office.  We are located in the 
If Line 4-D is greater than Line 3, indicate the amount to be refunded and/or the        Vandalia Municipal Building at 333 James E. Bohanan Memorial Dr, Vandalia, 
amount to be credited to your next year tax liability.  Refunds and/or credits of        Ohio.  Office hours are 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.  Phone 
amounts $10.00 or less will not be issued.                                               (937)  415-2240  or  toll-free  (866)  898-5891  or  visit  our  website  at 

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