Enlarge image | City of Fairfield Income Tax Division APPLICATION FOR 701 Wessel Dr EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE Fairfield, OH 45014 LOCAL INCOME TAX RETURN www.fairfield-city.org FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2023 OR FISCAL YEAR ____________________ TO ____________________ THIS FORM NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED IF YOU HAVE REQUESTED AN EXTENSION TO FILE YOUR FEDERAL RETURN. PLEASE PROVIDE COPY OF THE FEDERAL EXTENSION. General Information This application is to be filed only by taxpayers that have not requested or received an extension to file their federal return or by taxpayers that have a federal extension but are remitting an extension payment. Upon the filing of this request in a timely fashion, you will be granted a 6-month extension to file your City of Fairfield income tax return. The extended due date shall be the fifteenth day of the tenth month after the last day of the taxable year. For calendar year taxpayers, this is October 15, 2024. This extension does not extend the time to pay tax due. A 15% penalty plus interest will be charged on any taxes remitted after the original due date of the return. Taxpayers that have requested or received a federal extension need not complete this form. Instead, please send a copy of your federal extension to our office. For questions regarding the extension application, please call 513-867-5327. Due Date This form and payment (if applicable) must be postmarked on or beforeApril 15, 2024 to be considered timely filed. Account Number __________________________________ Federal Identification Number ________________________ Taxpayer __________________________________________ Social Security Number _____________________________ Spouse __________________________________________ Social Security Number _____________________________ Address __________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________ Signature__________________________________________ Payment of tax included with this application $________________________ Make checks payable to: City of Fairfield Income Tax To pay via credit card: Enter number, expiration date, CVV code, and amount authorized fully and accurately. To file, please submit this form to: City of Fairfield Fax: 513-867-5333 Income Tax Division Card Number: __________________________________ 701 Wessel Drive CVV Code: ______________ Exp: __________________ Fairfield, Ohio 45014 Amount Authorized: $___________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Email: income.tax@fairfield-city.org Cardholder Signature: ___________________________ |