Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 7. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) 2022 Forms Payment Vouchers PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR TAX DUE SHOWN ON LINE 6 OF THE WITHHOLDING FORMS BELOW IS $0. 00, THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE THE FORM WITH THE DIVISION OF TAXATION Employer Municipal Monthly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Quarterly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Semi-Monthly Withholding Booklet Annual Return 2022 Annual Withholding Reconciliation Form 2022 Ohio W2 Upload Specifications For reporting EFW2 files by CD, Flash Drive, or filing online Business Registration Dublin Business Registration Form Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 5. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) 2021 Forms Payment Vouchers PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR TAX DUE SHOWN ON LINE 6 OF THE WITHHOLDING FORMS BELOW IS $0. 00, THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE THE FORM WITH THE DIVISION OF TAXATION Employer Municipal Monthly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Quarterly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Semi-Monthly Withholding Booklet Annual Return 2021 Year-end reconciliation Business Registration Dublin Business Registration Form Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 5. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) 2020 Forms Payment Vouchers PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR TAX DUE SHOWN ON LINE 6 OF THE WITHHOLDING FORMS BELOW IS $0. 00, THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE THE FORM WITH THE DIVISION OF TAXATION Employer Municipal Monthly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Quarterly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Semi-Monthly Withholding Booklet Annual Return 2020 Year-end reconciliation Business Registration Dublin Business Registration Form Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 7. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) 2019 Forms Payment Vouchers PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR TAX DUE SHOWN ON LINE 6 OF THE WITHHOLDING FORMS BELOW IS $0. 00, THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE THE FORM WITH THE DIVISION OF TAXATION Employer Municipal Monthly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Quarterly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Semi-Monthly Withholding Booklet Annual Return 2019 Year-end reconciliation Business Registration Dublin Business Registration Form Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 7. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) 2018 Forms Payment Vouchers PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR TAX DUE SHOWN ON LINE 6 OF THE WITHHOLDING FORMS BELOW IS $0. 00, THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE THE FORM WITH THE DIVISION OF TAXATION Employer Municipal Monthly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Quarterly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Semi-Monthly Withholding Booklet Annual Return 2018 Year – end reconciliation Business Registration Dublin Business Registration Form Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 6. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) Who Must File Resident Individuals Nonresident Individuals ( see below) Associations ( including Partnerships, Joint Ventures, etc.) Corporations ( including S-Corporations) Fiduciaries – Estates and Trusts ( including Grantor Trusts) Individuals The following persons must file an Annual Return: A RESIDENT of Dublin having earned income and/or who engages in a business or profession in or outside their place of residence—even if all taxes have been properly withheld. A Declaration of Estimated Tax is required for all individuals whose tax is not fully withheld or with business income if the estimated tax due is more than $200. 00. Residents who are exempt from paying the tax ( e. g. pension income or under age 18) must complete a Declaration of Exemption form and submit it to our office in order to inactivate your account. Not sure if you are resident? Check your status here . A NONRESIDENT of Dublin having earned income in Dublin from which Dublin city income tax has not been fully withheld by your employer, and/or who engages in a business or profession in Dublin. Any taxpayer engaged in business within Dublin must file an annual return, even if a loss is claimed on the business. A declaration of estimated city income tax is required for all individuals whose estimated tax due is more than $200. 00. Nonresident Individual taxpayers seeking a refund for taxes withheld should complete a Nonresident Individual Return form. INDIVIDUALS – Ask yourself these questions: Was I over 18 and a resident of the City of Dublin for any portion of the tax year? Did I have any other earnings in Dublin from which at least 2. 0% was not withheld? Self-employment income, net income from rentals, tips, commissions, etc. are taxable to the City as earned income. If you have rental property in Dublin or other business income earned within Dublin, you must file a return even if you show a loss. If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, you are required to file a Dublin income tax return. Forms and instructions are available on our web site www. dublinohiousa. gov/taxation/ or you may call the Division of Taxation at 614. 410. 4460. Businesses The following business enterprises must file an Annual Return: ASSOCIATIONS, CORPORATIONS, and FIDUCIARIES ( ESTATES and TRUSTS) deriving income or losses from work done, services performed or rendered, and/or business conducted in Dublin. All taxpayers engaged in business must file an annual return, even if a loss is claimed on the business. A declaration of estimated city income tax is required for all business entities with estimated tax due of $200. 00 or more. Did You Know That: The City of Dublin Division of Taxation provides taxpayer assistance regarding income tax matters between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. Your mailing address ( i. e. post office or school district) does not always reflect the taxing jurisdiction in which you live. When in doubt, find out by clicking here or call 614. 410. 4460. As a Dublin resident, you are responsible for paying additional tax if the tax rate where you work is less than 2. 0%. Social Security benefits, pension income, welfare payments, state unemployment, workers’ compensation, interest, and dividends are not subject to Dublin city tax. The filing deadline for calendar year taxpayers is April 15, 2024. All extension requests must be submitted on or before this date. Extensions are an extension of time to file not an extension of time to pay any tax due. Payment of any estimated tax due should accompany the extension request. A copy of the Federal extension ( Form 4768 – Individuals and Form 7004 – Corporations, Partnerships, & Trusts) is acceptable, but must be submitted to Dublin by the original due date of the return. Interest Rate In accordance with Ohio Revised Code §718. 27, the interest rate that will apply to late tax payments is calculated by adding five percentage points to the federal short-term rate ( rounded to the nearest percentage point) that was in effect during the current year( s). For 2024 the interest rate is 10% Past interest rates: 2017 – 6% 2018 – 6% 2019 – 7% 2020 – 7% 2021 – 5% 2022 – 5% 2023 – 7% Questions should be directed to the Division of Taxation at 614. 410. 4460. Tax Related Links Dublin Municipal Income Tax Ordinance Chapter 35 Effective through December 31, 2015 – for taxable years ending 2015 Chapter 38 Effective January 1, 2016 – for taxable years beginning 2016 City Use this link for the contact and basic tax information for all municipalities in Ohio. City and Municipal Tax Listings in Ohio School District School District taxes in the state of Ohio are administered by the Ohio Department of Taxation. School District Number County Auditor & Property Taxes The Franklin, Union, and Delaware County Auditors’ offices administer and collect property taxes on behalf of the City and should be contacted with any questions regarding property valuations or property taxes. Franklin County Auditor Delaware County Auditor Union County Auditor State of Ohio Ohio Revised Code 718 – Municipal Income Taxes Ohio Business Gateway Ohio Department of Taxation Federal Internal Revenue Service Contact Taxation Office Phone Number: 614. 410. 4460 Toll Free Tax Number: 1. 888. 490. 8154 Fax 614. 410. 4956 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a. m. – 5 p. m. Tammy Lehnert, Director of Taxation Contact Us Tell Dublin Report an Issue Request a service or report an Issue. Tell Dublin Send us your public input. Dublin, Ohio, USA 5555 Perimeter Drive Dublin, Ohio, 43017 City Hall Hours Mon – Fri: 8 a. m. – 5 p. m. Phone: 614. 410. 4400 Service Links Trash & Recycling Applications & Permits Financial Reporting Zoning Code & Maps Taxation Request a Service Useful Links Apply for a City Job New Residents Diversity, Equity & Inclusion GIS & Maps Public Records Request Subscribe to our Weekly eNews Dublin Organizations Visit Dublin Ohio Dublin City Schools Dublin Chamber of Commerce Dublin Arts Council Dublin Veterans Forever Dublin Facebook-square Twitter Instagram Youtube Linkedin-square Flickr Headphones Paper-plane English Arabic Chinese ( Traditional) English Hindi Japanese Korean Spanish Skip to content Open toolbar Accessibility Tools Accessibility Tools Increase Text Increase Text Decrease Text Decrease Text Grayscale Grayscale High Contrast High Contrast Negative Contrast Negative Contrast Light Background Light Background Links Underline Links Underline Readable Font Readable Font Reset Reset Help Help Feedback Feedback | Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 7. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) 2022 Forms Payment Vouchers PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR TAX DUE SHOWN ON LINE 6 OF THE WITHHOLDING FORMS BELOW IS $0. 00, THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE THE FORM WITH THE DIVISION OF TAXATION Employer Municipal Monthly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Quarterly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Semi-Monthly Withholding Booklet Annual Return 2022 Annual Withholding Reconciliation Form 2022 Ohio W2 Upload Specifications For reporting EFW2 files by CD, Flash Drive, or filing online Business Registration Dublin Business Registration Form Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 5. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) 2021 Forms Payment Vouchers PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR TAX DUE SHOWN ON LINE 6 OF THE WITHHOLDING FORMS BELOW IS $0. 00, THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE THE FORM WITH THE DIVISION OF TAXATION Employer Municipal Monthly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Quarterly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Semi-Monthly Withholding Booklet Annual Return 2021 Year-end reconciliation Business Registration Dublin Business Registration Form Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 5. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) 2020 Forms Payment Vouchers PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR TAX DUE SHOWN ON LINE 6 OF THE WITHHOLDING FORMS BELOW IS $0. 00, THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE THE FORM WITH THE DIVISION OF TAXATION Employer Municipal Monthly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Quarterly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Semi-Monthly Withholding Booklet Annual Return 2020 Year-end reconciliation Business Registration Dublin Business Registration Form Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 7. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) 2019 Forms Payment Vouchers PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR TAX DUE SHOWN ON LINE 6 OF THE WITHHOLDING FORMS BELOW IS $0. 00, THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE THE FORM WITH THE DIVISION OF TAXATION Employer Municipal Monthly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Quarterly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Semi-Monthly Withholding Booklet Annual Return 2019 Year-end reconciliation Business Registration Dublin Business Registration Form Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 7. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) 2018 Forms Payment Vouchers PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUR TAX DUE SHOWN ON LINE 6 OF THE WITHHOLDING FORMS BELOW IS $0. 00, THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE THE FORM WITH THE DIVISION OF TAXATION Employer Municipal Monthly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Quarterly Withholding Booklet Employer Municipal Semi-Monthly Withholding Booklet Annual Return 2018 Year – end reconciliation Business Registration Dublin Business Registration Form Per Ohio Revised Code, interest and penalty are as follows: Interest is 6. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( A)( 5) Penalty is 50. 0% of the unpaid tax ( ORC 718. 27( C)( 2)( b) Who Must File Resident Individuals Nonresident Individuals ( see below) Associations ( including Partnerships, Joint Ventures, etc.) Corporations ( including S-Corporations) Fiduciaries – Estates and Trusts ( including Grantor Trusts) Individuals The following persons must file an Annual Return: A RESIDENT of Dublin having earned income and/or who engages in a business or profession in or outside their place of residence—even if all taxes have been properly withheld. A Declaration of Estimated Tax is required for all individuals whose tax is not fully withheld or with business income if the estimated tax due is more than $200. 00. Residents who are exempt from paying the tax ( e. g. pension income or under age 18) must complete a Declaration of Exemption form and submit it to our office in order to inactivate your account. Not sure if you are resident? Check your status here . A NONRESIDENT of Dublin having earned income in Dublin from which Dublin city income tax has not been fully withheld by your employer, and/or who engages in a business or profession in Dublin. Any taxpayer engaged in business within Dublin must file an annual return, even if a loss is claimed on the business. A declaration of estimated city income tax is required for all individuals whose estimated tax due is more than $200. 00. Nonresident Individual taxpayers seeking a refund for taxes withheld should complete a Nonresident Individual Return form. INDIVIDUALS – Ask yourself these questions: Was I over 18 and a resident of the City of Dublin for any portion of the tax year? Did I have any other earnings in Dublin from which at least 2. 0% was not withheld? Self-employment income, net income from rentals, tips, commissions, etc. are taxable to the City as earned income. If you have rental property in Dublin or other business income earned within Dublin, you must file a return even if you show a loss. If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, you are required to file a Dublin income tax return. Forms and instructions are available on our web site www. dublinohiousa. gov/taxation/ or you may call the Division of Taxation at 614. 410. 4460. Businesses The following business enterprises must file an Annual Return: ASSOCIATIONS, CORPORATIONS, and FIDUCIARIES ( ESTATES and TRUSTS) deriving income or losses from work done, services performed or rendered, and/or business conducted in Dublin. All taxpayers engaged in business must file an annual return, even if a loss is claimed on the business. A declaration of estimated city income tax is required for all business entities with estimated tax due of $200. 00 or more. Did You Know That: The City of Dublin Division of Taxation provides taxpayer assistance regarding income tax matters between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. Your mailing address ( i. e. post office or school district) does not always reflect the taxing jurisdiction in which you live. When in doubt, find out by clicking here or call 614. 410. 4460. As a Dublin resident, you are responsible for paying additional tax if the tax rate where you work is less than 2. 0%. Social Security benefits, pension income, welfare payments, state unemployment, workers’ compensation, interest, and dividends are not subject to Dublin city tax. The filing deadline for calendar year taxpayers is April 15, 2024. All extension requests must be submitted on or before this date. Extensions are an extension of time to file not an extension of time to pay any tax due. Payment of any estimated tax due should accompany the extension request. A copy of the Federal extension ( Form 4768 – Individuals and Form 7004 – Corporations, Partnerships, & Trusts) is acceptable, but must be submitted to Dublin by the original due date of the return. Interest Rate In accordance with Ohio Revised Code §718. 27, the interest rate that will apply to late tax payments is calculated by adding five percentage points to the federal short-term rate ( rounded to the nearest percentage point) that was in effect during the current year( s). For 2024 the interest rate is 10% Past interest rates: 2017 – 6% 2018 – 6% 2019 – 7% 2020 – 7% 2021 – 5% 2022 – 5% 2023 – 7% Questions should be directed to the Division of Taxation at 614. 410. 4460. Tax Related Links Dublin Municipal Income Tax Ordinance Chapter 35 Effective through December 31, 2015 – for taxable years ending 2015 Chapter 38 Effective January 1, 2016 – for taxable years beginning 2016 City Use this link for the contact and basic tax information for all municipalities in Ohio. City and Municipal Tax Listings in Ohio School District School District taxes in the state of Ohio are administered by the Ohio Department of Taxation. School District Number County Auditor & Property Taxes The Franklin, Union, and Delaware County Auditors’ offices administer and collect property taxes on behalf of the City and should be contacted with any questions regarding property valuations or property taxes. Franklin County Auditor Delaware County Auditor Union County Auditor State of Ohio Ohio Revised Code 718 – Municipal Income Taxes Ohio Business Gateway Ohio Department of Taxation Federal Internal Revenue Service Contact Taxation Office Phone Number: 614. 410. 4460 Toll Free Tax Number: 1. 888. 490. 8154 Fax 614. 410. 4956 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a. m. – 5 p. m. Tammy Lehnert, Director of Taxation Contact Us Tell Dublin Report an Issue Request a service or report an Issue. Tell Dublin Send us your public input. Dublin, Ohio, USA 5555 Perimeter Drive Dublin, Ohio, 43017 City Hall Hours Mon – Fri: 8 a. m. – 5 p. m. Phone: 614. 410. 4400 Service Links Trash & Recycling Applications & Permits Financial Reporting Zoning Code & Maps Taxation Request a Service Useful Links Apply for a City Job New Residents Diversity, Equity & Inclusion GIS & Maps Public Records Request Subscribe to our Weekly eNews Dublin Organizations Visit Dublin Ohio Dublin City Schools Dublin Chamber of Commerce Dublin Arts Council Dublin Veterans Forever Dublin Facebook-square Twitter Instagram Youtube Linkedin-square Flickr Headphones Paper-plane English Arabic Chinese ( Traditional) English Hindi Japanese Korean Spanish Skip to content Open toolbar Accessibility Tools Accessibility Tools Increase Text Increase Text Decrease Text Decrease Text Grayscale Grayscale High Contrast High Contrast Negative Contrast Negative Contrast Light Background Light Background Links Underline Links Underline Readable Font Readable Font Reset Reset Help Help Feedback Feedback |