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Checkbox 5: Non-Resident MyAccount walks you through filing
General Instructions You must provide a list of all addresses your form and provides you with a
Proof of exemption must be submitted where you lived for the years included confirmation number when you are
when required (see the Specific in this form. Use the Moves Worksheet done.
Instructions below). in the Instructions and attach to your
Submit Paper Documents
Failure to respond may result in a tax submission. If submitting a paper tax return with this
liability finding based on information Exact move dates are not necessary, form, you must submit the following, if
supplied to us by the Internal Revenue but the addresses should be within a applicable: W-2s, 1099s, Federal Form
Service or may result in a subpoena week or two of your actual move dates. 2106, Federal Schedules C, E, F and K-
being issued, requiring you to appear Provide documentation proving you 1, and the 1st page of federal Form
and produce documents for inspection. lived at each address such as copies of 1040. Documents will not be returned.
Any penalties and interest owed will utility bills, property tax bills, leases, Mail your documents to:
continue to accrue until returns are filed deeds, or print-outs of property transfer REGIONAL INCOME TAX AGENCY
records from the County Auditor’s PO BOX 94801
and any tax due is paid. website. Cleveland, OH 44101-4801
Specific Instructions If you lived in another RITA municipality
Checkbox 1: No Taxable Income during any of the years covered by this Contact RITA
You must provide acceptable proof form, you are still required to file an Tax forms, instructions, and the
such as a copy of page 1 of your federal Individual Tax return for the year(s) in answers to many questions can be
Form 1040 for any year you claim you question. A current list of RITA found at www.ritaohio.com.
had no taxable income. municipalities can be found at
Phone: (800) 860-7482
Note that you cannot claim an www.ritaohio.com. Click on the RITA TDD: (440) 526-5332
exemption from filing for no taxable Municipalities link.
income for any year for which you had If you are (were) not a resident of a Moves Worksheet
a rental loss, pass-through partnership RITA municipality for any or all of the Use this worksheet to report your move
loss, or self-employment loss. year(s) covered by this form, you must history for the years covered by this
still file a return if you earned income in form. Attach a separate sheet if more
Checkbox 2: US Armed Forces a RITA municipality and did not have space is needed.
If you would have met the requirements tax withheld from those earnings to that Move In Date Move Out Date
of reason 1 except you received one or municipality and/or if you own rental
more W2 forms, but those W2 forms
property or conduct business in a RITA
reported only military pay and Street Address
municipality and reported losses for
allowances for the year, check this
federal tax purposes.
reason for your exemption. Civilian
employees of the armed forces are not Checkbox 6: Deceased City, State, ZIP
eligible for this exemption. Enclose a copy of the death certificate.
Checkbox 3: Age Exempt Checkbox 7: Filing Jointly Move In Date Move Out Date
This exemption is not available in all Check this reason if you are not
RITA municipalities. Go to exempt and are filing jointly. Complete
www.ritaohio.com and click on the RITA your spouse’s information in the Street Address
Municipalities link to look up your address section of this form.
municipality to see if this exemption
City, State, ZIP
applies to your municipality. How to Respond
Checkbox 4: Retired Efile Using RITA’s FastFile.
You must provide acceptable proof FastFile is easy, fast & secure. FastFile
Move In Date Move Out Date
such as a copy of page 1 of your federal does not require a user name or
Form 1040 for any year you claim you password. You do need to have all your
tax documents in front of you for any Street Address
had retirement income only. year you are FastFiling as once you
Note that if you are retired from your start a return it must be finished in a
City, State, ZIP
main place of employment but have single session.
picked up a job in retirement, this
exemption will not apply to any year in FastFile walks you through filing your
return and provides you with a Move In Date Move Out Date
which you receive a W2. confirmation number when you are
This exemption will also not apply to done.
any year in which you own rental Street Address
property or report a partnership gain or Efile Using RITA’s MyAccount
loss on your federal return. MyAccount requires you to setup a user
name and password. You do not need City, State, ZIP
to complete a return in a single session.